Saturday, November 1, 2008

saturday- the garage, a bike ride & the peanut

Two years ago Jack finished his Eagle project. You know- for his Eagle scout rank.
Ya- you read right
Since then he has needed 2 bike rides. A 25 & 50 miler. He did the 25 this past summer & the 50 has been looming over his head like a bad omen. Finally today... the last great weather day of the year (so the weather man says), he got it done!!!!!!!Poor kid - with a mother like me- he can now sleep easy :).
He still has a board of review & Eagle court, but as far as I'm concerned- this babe's done! YESSSSS
{jack the studly -almost- EAgle SCout!}
Years ago when Brian was working on his Eagle & I was encouraging him along aka: nagging him to death- he used to say,"you only want me to get my Eagle so you'll look good for your friends!" Oh man- that was the funniest thing one of my kids had ever said. I thought I would bust a gut. Seriously- if I wanted to impress my friends I'd lose 40lbs. & wouldn't drive a mini-van.
Way to go Jack! I am really excited for you & so glad you did it with a good attitude.
Way to get up & get going today bud. I know it was hard & we really should have pushed you to get it done earlier- but it is your award not ours. Anyhow- I'm really proud you did it & on your own, even if it did take 2 years to finish up the end of it- who cares? You got it done! Someday, when you have kids... you're going to be so glad. Today along with cleaning the garage out (serious all day project)- Brett & Trent finished up some remodeling on the tree fort. It is now complete with an all-enclosed bottom level.
Besides laundry, dishes, Halloween clean up & driving to ballet TWiCe- We've got a visitor today. The Peanut is here while Ruthie's family goes to Lagoon.
I think he's going to be a model someday- he's got the serious look down- for sure!
The Peanut, Max & I had a great time playing in the autumn leaves. The Peanut loves to be outside. We had to take turns taking him out or severe crying ensued.
Max didn't mind- not at all.


michelle said...

Congrats to Jack! And to you. Now you look so good to all your friends. That is hilarious.

I always wanted to have a tree fort, very cool indeed.

Kristy said...

Great job Jack!!!!

Fun day at home. I am still hoping for a Saturday like that one of these days.

Janae said...

Wow Jack! What a huge accomplishment that is. I didn't even realize there was such jobs as a 50-mile ride to get that award...that is very impressive:)
What a productive day going on at your house...a productive Sat. is the best. I am hoping for one someday...I keep trying:)

Beth said...

Wow the 50 miler all by himself! My boys got a whole gang together to encourage and prod and praise along the way... none of them would have gotten it done on their own.

What a great accomplishment Jack!... the time does NOT matter it's the guts and the stamina and knowledge of what you are capable of behind it all that really matters. (and certainly NOT what it makes your Mom look like... that is just silly, every Mom KNOWS you can't make them get their Eagle Scout, HA!)
Wow, that is just HUGE!!

Peanuttttttt your so adorable!!! Great pictures in the fall folage! And great shots of Max too. You have great helpers, that is awesome!

Johnna said...

Great pictures Patsy! Congratulations Jack, it really is a great accomplishment! Love you all!

PaD said...

Great Jack!!! Grandpa and I are happy for you. Someday you'll be glad you did it.

Beautiful shots of the peanut and Max and Jack. Did you get a new camera or are you still using the Old one. Love you all.

Karrie said...

Way to go I can be really impressed by your Mom..JK!

The peanut is so cute and so is Max.

Good job on the tree fort...will Brett Make us one too.

Karolynn said...

Great job Jack! How had me laughing about driving a mini van and the weight loss thing. You have the BEST kids!

Jill said...

Congratulations to Jack! I can't even imagine how sore the buttocks area would be after doing a 50 mile bike ride!

I think it's great that you've encouraged/nagged your boys to do this big accomplishment, they'll definitely thank you for it later.

So the Peanut was serious, but not crying if outside? That's progress right?

crystal said...

Sigh. Max always tells me he's got a dog name. I guess he's right.

I think it's funny we both have a Max and a Jack. Of course, YOUR max is canine...

A real treehouse???? LUCKY!!!!! Max would be SOOOOO jealous.

I'm inviting myself over to play.