Tuesday, November 25, 2008

gratitude day two

You know I am not the only one writing these gratitude posts, right?
I am seeing them all over. I'm not sure who started it, but I thought it was a brilliant idea & wanted to participate. I'm only on my second day and - I'm realizing something new about myself
I am private in some ways...
I feel grateful for so many things- but I don't want to necessarily share that with my blog. Weird. I can talk about my family, missionary, aspergers, etc. but for some reason I just feel uncomfortable with the things I love the most... those things I am grateful for. I don't like listing them. I feel like something may be forgotten- I wonder if I will be judged by some who already judge this blog... like I didn't list the "right" things? That's silly, but real in my head. I saw on the Today show recently that people who have gratitude journals & list things in them daily are healthier, happier, exercise more frequently..., get out more-live longer it went on & on.
I started a gratitude journal a couple years ago. It's in a drawer next to my bed. I thought I was a positive person- but sometimes I wasn't very grateful when writing. It became a gratitude/get my frustrations on paper- kind of a thing.... I don't think that's the healthy thing they were talking about on the news show?
So I am putting myself out there. I'm not really comfortable listing. This is really nuts.
but in my quest for a more meaningful life...
today I am grateful for:
My family
My friends
My faith
My testimony in that faith
Knowledge that God lives & love me
The opportunity to be a mother
My home- I love my home.
so there you go- that wasn't so bad.
Am I the only crazy one out there?


Beth said...

Your not crazy... I appreciate that you share your blog, and that you put some private special things on it.

It's yours, it's wonderful... don't stop opening up your heart. It's a beautiful heart!!

My Mom tells me "it is none of my business what other people think about me behind my back."

Just worry about you, not what anyone else might think... your great, embrace YOU!!!

(but don't ever share anything embarrassing about me on your blog) he he he

Janae said...

What a perfectly wonderful list:)
I agree it is VERY hard to put some things out there...I have the same feelings. I love you put your list out there! Maybe you will inspire me to be more brave...

wende said...

i'm so glad you're sharing, this is a beautiful list.

Kristy said...

Perfect list!!!! You are awesome! :)

Karrie said...

There is nothing on this list you should be worried about sharing...it's you and that makes it awesome!

Jill said...

You're sounding guarded these days which means you probably took a "hit" from someone and those are hard to recover from. I still hear certain criticisms in my head from back in May with my Mother's Day post gone wrong and have to actively work not to let it affect my blogging.

I don't think anyone should be critical of the things anyone else is grateful for.

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

What a great list... it was a good reminder to me of what I have to be grateful for... thank you:)

patsy said...

Jill- you amaze me. You read me like a book! I did take a hit, big one.. I'm sending an email....

michelle said...

Oh no, you took a bit blog hit?? Rats, I'm sorry to hear it.

I think it's interesting that you're just now discovering you are private in some ways. I hope that's not the result of taking a hit.

I agree with Jill -- no one can criticize what someone else is grateful for!