Monday, June 30, 2008

movie review

Are you looking for a good summer movie for the kids?
Seriously- look no farther.
Do you remember this one? Disney's First Kid. I DVR'd it this past week & we have been giggling & laughing ever since. Its darling, rated PG & oh so funny. That sinbad- he really should make more movies for kids. Anyhow... just in case it's gettin' hot at your house (it's supposed to hit 100 here today) I thought I would recommend you netflix this baby right away.
Word of caution- there is one bear bum sighting of the kid.
Oh lighten up! It's all good. It's a great show, really- you'll love it, or at least your kids will.
I love this movie so much it's on my: movies we should own list -& that's a tiny little list.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thanks for the recommendation! We're always looking for good movies to watch together as a family. I'll be adding it to my Netflix queue right away.