Sunday, November 30, 2008

great weekend

After some Black Friday shopping we all went to see --
This- it was FAnTastIC!! Even Brett said on the way out-
that was the best Disney I've seen in a long time.
We loved the 3-D, even though the movie would have been great without it.
We ran home, packed up,
then left Megan & Tony and drove 4 1/2 hours to my parents
house to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday! His birthday is officially today- see post below.
We celebrated a day early & it was so great to be there with him & my mom!

What an amazing accomplishment- to be 80 and in near perfect health!
Such a blessing
All the pictures I took are lame. (I took hardly any) I don't know what was up with that!? but I am not happy about it. I just have so much fun relaxing at mom & dad's house I forget about taking pictures every time! Oh man- I can't believe I didn't take better pictures?
On the way out of the driveway Trent had to give double hugs then he yelled advice to Grandma out the window. "If you go on a walk, don't twist your ankle & fall down a cliff! But if you do fall down a cliff- grab onto a branch on the way down!" This was very serious advice & much appreciated by grandma. As we were driving away I told him that was nice to give grandma that advice & he said, "I just want her to survive."
(I think that is a compliment mom!?)
Highlights I didn't photograph:
the new book she made me
Aunt debbie & uncle pat & their new house
shopping with my mom
swimming in the pool
mom's biscuits & gravy for breakfast- (heaven on earth)
trent spending the night with aunt debbie
the teens staying up late & watching movies
pat bbqing the most amazing food for dad's birthday party
I'm sure there's more...
We stopped to get burgers on the way out of town.
The last time we were in town I didn't realize this place was here.
I nearly gave brett a heart attack when I screamed with excitement- sorry.
So this time we didn't miss it!
He suggested I get out & he take my picture... ha ha ha ha ha
ya- NO WAY. That's all I need a picture of myself in front of a burger joint.
Proof of my weakness.
Plus these pictures are way too cute!

Then- we drove & drove & I must have gotten a little crazy because we stopped to go to the bathroom & look what followed us home....

the cutest 2 1/2 month old little puggle (half beagle, half pug) in the world.
Isn't he cute?!!
We stopped again for a different kind of potty break.
So now - we are home - with a new member of the family- that we bought on the Sabbath.
Brett says we should name him satan. We were driving home & didn't even think about it being Sunday, driving home & missing church & all... Oh boy-
But for now- his name is Bronco, after Bronco Mendenhall the BYU football coach-surprise, surprise, jack named him...
I think his name should be Brutus. He looks like a Brutus- don't you think?
*have you ever came home with a puppy?
*do you like- Satan (that's a joke)
Brutus or Bronco?

happy birthday dad- 80 years!!!

Happy Birthday DAD!!
We love you~

(can you believe I took this video sideways....? When will I ever learn?)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

thanksgiving 2008

Great DAy!
miss you bri guy

happy thanksgiving

Today I am grateful for so much help from my daughters.
Thanks Chloe & Hailey. These two-- (I will put a picture of Hailey up today later) do so much for me.
They are so patient with me & forgiving.
I love having them around. They are easy to love & fun to be with.
I am thankful they are helping me with dinner today.
I love you both,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

raw gratitude

Today I am thankful that NO ONE is going to mention:
1. cell phones
2. cell phone plans
3. sim cards
4. tricking me into "trading" phones
5. blu tooth
6. blu teeth
7. pay as you go plans
8. AT & T
9. Blackberries
10. The Unusable, No plaN, blackberry that a friend in Brett's office gave him- much to his distress because it doesn't work.
11. The untrue fact that he may need to make an emergency call to 911 if our house is on fire & the phones are all not working and the neighbors are all gone.... ?
12. "everyone has one"- which is a LIE
(even though last week after school, across town, we saw a little girl about kindergarten age, walking & talking on one... if I knew her or her parents I would slap them. Trent just about flew out of his seat...Proof that someone Younger than him has one- "look that girl has a cell phone!!" I bet it's a toy I said- I bet she's borrowing it from her mother, I said... no luck convincing him)

NO ONE will mention these things...
Because, if anyone mentions these things-
and you know what that means!?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

gratitude day two

You know I am not the only one writing these gratitude posts, right?
I am seeing them all over. I'm not sure who started it, but I thought it was a brilliant idea & wanted to participate. I'm only on my second day and - I'm realizing something new about myself
I am private in some ways...
I feel grateful for so many things- but I don't want to necessarily share that with my blog. Weird. I can talk about my family, missionary, aspergers, etc. but for some reason I just feel uncomfortable with the things I love the most... those things I am grateful for. I don't like listing them. I feel like something may be forgotten- I wonder if I will be judged by some who already judge this blog... like I didn't list the "right" things? That's silly, but real in my head. I saw on the Today show recently that people who have gratitude journals & list things in them daily are healthier, happier, exercise more frequently..., get out more-live longer it went on & on.
I started a gratitude journal a couple years ago. It's in a drawer next to my bed. I thought I was a positive person- but sometimes I wasn't very grateful when writing. It became a gratitude/get my frustrations on paper- kind of a thing.... I don't think that's the healthy thing they were talking about on the news show?
So I am putting myself out there. I'm not really comfortable listing. This is really nuts.
but in my quest for a more meaningful life...
today I am grateful for:
My family
My friends
My faith
My testimony in that faith
Knowledge that God lives & love me
The opportunity to be a mother
My home- I love my home.
so there you go- that wasn't so bad.
Am I the only crazy one out there?


Saturday's Nutcracker finale was really great.
We found out Chloe's cover art was chosen as a finalist for the program- very exciting.

{photo by trent}
Plus megan, tony, brittany, ruthie & sarah came!
We didn't have a bbsitter but did have an extra ticket...
so we braved it & brought Trent along for the very first time- I was more than a little nervous... But he DID GREAT! He sat through the whole performance & loved it.
He did ask to go home many times, but we made it & he's been talking about that intermingled with more cell phone misery for days now.
His favorite part- "the blue soldiers, they have guns. The red soldiers have nothin' how are they going to fight the mouse king?"
I was wondering the same thing?

Monday, November 24, 2008

gratitude week

I am grateful for many things.
Right now-
at this moment-
these feel important.

*good health
*email- (today is MOnday the day the missionary emails)
*my husband has a job
*my children are doing well
* it's not snowing (I have to drive hailey to piano in a few minutes & it's freezing)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

never a dull moment

It's a great day here at my house!
Not only is the big game on today-
but Chloe has here final two nutcracker performances.
Lots of family & friends are coming to watch & she is over the moon excited.
This morning the other three kids went in for the Flu Mist.
Dad tried to bribe Trent into not fussing (hey it's not the shot?!) by letting him use his blue tooth. He promptly called grandma & told her he was getting one for Christmas...? She of course has no idea what a blue tooth is. It was quite amusing to hear him try to explain the whole concept.
Poor Trent had to be held down-
he was just a little nervous- actually extremely nervous. I don't think it helped that Hailey went first & completely flipped out- woos. Or, that Jack told him that they really spray it up your rear end, out in the lobby. I of course couldn't stop laughing at that one... I really am not a good mom. Brett had to remind me to stop laughing so loud. I am such a loud laughter & cry when I really get going. Oh boy...

Did you get a flu shot, mist?
Trent says Jack's getting "dog crap" for Christmas...
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year, mostly.
Please consider my Christmas requests. I understand you have a lot of orders to fill. I always try to make it easy for you & ask for my Christmas favorite-- new pajamas --every year but never get them. Is it too difficult to pick out a pair for me? I am really not picky! Pants & button up top- cotton not flannel, never a nightgown, pink or red, vertical candy stripes or floral would be nice, my favorite brand, Ralph Lauren.
Anyway, I decided to blog my list to you this year to make it extra easy. If this list doesn't work for you- that's okay- I will accept diamonds of any shape or size, new family room furniture- please let me pick it out, my bathroom remodeled, or a Hawaiian cruise.
Thank you for all the goodies you have brought to me & my family in the past. You are the Best!
1. This book from one of my favorite bloggers.
I'm a Huge fan. I really want to BE her.
2. This book from my favorite cooking show.
Again- huge fan.

I never ask for jewelry & it's so inexpensive... really!
I know it's impractical but I can't get it off my mind
- and I promise to top it with your favorite treats.
Does anyone else have/need a Christmas list?

Friday, November 21, 2008

she & me

She is one of the first people I met when I moved to my town.
She brought us cupcakes.
I remember thinking- we'll probably be friends.
Jack & her oldest were inseparable.
Hailey & her 3rd too.
We were all friends.
Our young families lighted fireworks on the 4th of July.
Planned birthday parties.
Went to kindergarten together.
Worked in the primary presidency.
Talked on the phone.
Had late nights with the kids.
Drove carpools.
Went to "girl's night out" one Thursday a month.
Spent at least one day a week & usually more at the water park watching the kids play-
two maybe three summers in a row.
She kept my kids overnight when Trent was born,
then took Trent to her house when he was two months old.
I was doped up on pain killers dealing with kidney stones.
When she came to check on me I was drooling. Thanks- again.
We haven't talked much since we moved 7 years ago this month to our home now, (she brought us dinner) except for me to send birthday cards, Christmas cards & a note to say-
I'm so sorry.
Her sweet husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer two days before school got out last spring.
He died this past Sunday morning- the week before Thanksgiving, only 5 weeks until Christmas.
Their 4 children - almost the same age as mine.
He- the same age as Brett. She- younger than me...
It just doesn't seem right I am going to his funeral today.
Everyone knows he was an amazing man, husband, father...
My heart is breaking for you.
I am so sorry for your loss.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

bragging... damn right

someone told me once that "blogging was just for bragging"

no it wasn't you - holly

Well, tonight... she's right!

WAy to Go HaiLeY


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

help wanted?

Brett & I came home late last night with Chloe
from nutcracker dress rehearsal to this...
Trent had spent his afternoon/night with Jack & Hailey- who by-the-way were awesome bbsitters & even did his home reading with him!!- looking through the Target Christmas catalog. He had picked out Christmas presents for everyone in the family. Funny though considering all the gifts he picked out for us-- were things he wants too. Such as an ICoaster for me?-
that kid is always thinkin'!
Jack told him he needed money to pay for all those presents...
Trent's reply- I can just use checks...
I know where dad keeps them.
(does this worry you as much as me?)
Anyhow- after many long conversations with Jack- Trent decided he needed to find a job. He found the want ads from the day's paper & circled all his favorite prospects.
Good news mom-
7-11 & Iggy's sports bar & grill are hiring.
Oh my
Trent- you have to be over 21 to work at those places-
they sell beer.
WHAT? they sell beer??
I will smash down all the beer machines &
put up a vanilla milk shake machine- then I can work there!
OH BoY... It was a long night getting him to go to sleep

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

wild & crazy week

It was a wild & crazy week last week-
besides going on a field trip with the 3rd grade-
made more bearable because I drove with Kristy-
the school caught on "fire" - just a small electrical thing-
while we were getting our Sally Foster together.

2 fire trucks, 3 paramedics & couple of cops.
I guess it was a slow fire day. Still- glad they all showed up-
even if there wasn't much to do.

I had book club at my house.
It turned out to be great fun & conversation.
We discussed this- surprisingly good!

The best part of the week?
I went with the blogger mom's to a cabin for 3 nights of great food, late nights, crafting, finishing projects, games, movies. It was SO MUCH FUN.
Thanks for letting me tag along guys.

(one of my favorite things at the cabin)

So- I'm back home, back to my family, back to blogging.
Even though there's so much to do...
I like it here.