Tuesday, August 12, 2008

yesterday's lessons learned

1. ear infection + head ache = really rough day
I had totally forgotten how bad an ear infection hurts.
I feel so sorry for the little kids who get them all the time...
2. cleaning the basement is 100% easier when everyone chips in & faster too.
usually after school starts I spend a couple of days cleaning out our "catch all" unfinished basement. Last night we did it as a family instead- it was brett's idea.... BRILLIANT. It's done- it was done in about an hour & now the kids are playing down there having a blast today!
3. I've been married 221/2 years & last night tried to talk about something really important just before going to sleep.... what in the world was I thinkin? I have learned not to get mad- he can't help it- he's going to fall asleep while I'm pouring my heart out- so just don't go there.


Unknown said...

oh, what a great way to keep track of the little lessons we learn every day. and learn. and learn...

Jill said...

Ear infections as an adult are brutal, I've had 2 in recent years and have been amazed at how painful they are.

Way to go on having the whole family help with the basement cleanup. I should really do that with the garage next time.

#3 is just plain funny!!

Kristy said...

I hope you feel better! We are all getting sick at our house 2 with colds and 2 with stomach issues....I think Kelly is the only one without any issues!!

At my house it is more work to have help....I wish it was not but when I get help it is a mess!!!!

Karrie said...

I'm sorry about #3 but sometimes I get the same thing at my house....even if sleepiness isn't a factor.

Sorry about your ear...but glad to hear that the basement is clean again!

Beth said...

So sorry about your rough day... ear infections do stink, but headaches are the worst too. Combined I think you were being nice to just call it "rough".

I love clean rooms, it really pays off to have everyone help too, then they have some vested interest in keeping it that way!

#3 is pretty funny... sorry, to know him is to love him!
I feel your pain!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am sorry about your ear infection... I cannot remember ever having one but it seems pretty painful. Congrats on the clean basement... I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...


Janae said...

I am hoping you are feeling better by now:) i did get those all the time when I was little...they are the worst!
I am glad your basement is clean...mine needs serious help. When we get back home it is at the top of the list!
#3....sleepy boys...what can we do??