Thursday, August 28, 2008


Today I met up with the blogger moms & Laurie- janae we missed you- to work on some unfinished projects at wende's house. NICE. It was fun to get together, do something productive, & enjoy their company. I have prioritized this one day a week to do this & hope it really works out. I know if we can make it work it will be a real blessing in my life.Well, I'm not sure about them- but it truly turned out to be a great therapy session for me. Out of much frustration- I swore probably 10 times... and belly ached profusely about some situations beyond my control. yes I need to relax a bit - and wash my mouth out with soap - and get a grip. The thought of swearing in front of little Ethan... What is my Problem??? I am so ashamed now. I can only blame it on my parents... heeheee ha ha - my mom is going to be so mad- but hey- in my family when I was growing up if you got mad- the words you know-
let em' fly.
How is it possible I have any friends?

*do you ever give in & let lose swearing?
*does it help?


Unknown said...

goshdarnit, more than i care to admit (and i WISH i only said goshdarnit...)

but i really need to know what project you are working on there!! i have windows waiting patiently...

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am not the least bit surprised that you have friends:) That looks like a lot of fun...

Karrie said...

Yes....swearing is totally theraputic (sp?) and when you're really mad there are only certain words that can express the frustration and make you feel better.

I always say that we are not perfect and should always be working on something to make ourselves a little better...well if I quit swearing and was always nice...then what else would I have to work on...this is going to be my life long struggle and right now I don't see myself winning it anytime soon.

Just don't drop the "F" bomb and you'll be okay!

P.S. This is scripture according to Karrie

Janae said...

Looks like you guys had a good and productive day! Yeah:)
Of course you have friends Patsy! You are a wonderful friend:)
You don't even want me to begin on my swearing problems and my 2-3 year olds that have often repeated...oh my life is fun!

Beth said...

Windows... I see windows... you have to share that project when it is complete!

I have windows that need to be re-done... just waiting for me to decide to have a craft day.

Jill said...

I'm so happy you guys are setting aside a day a week to work on projects, that will be so therapeutic and productive for you all!!

I swear way too often. Fortunately most of my friends find it amusing rather than offensive, though I worry about Amie. And yes, I definitely think it helps!

One of Landon's first words was da@nit!