Sunday, August 31, 2008

game day

Yesterday Brett & Jack went to their first of many big football games of the season- it was a great one too. Last spring brett bought two season tickets to BYU football. Talk about excited! I think I was just as excited they were going as they were to be going...
After the events of this past summer I feel consumed with wanting to live a more purpose filled life. I feel like buying these tickets back then was inspiration. We are huge fans- Brett & Jack going to the games together- the year before he leaves for college= great times/great timing. Why not use this time- this time on this earth to do what we really want to do & what we really need to do. A couple of weeks ago while reading Jill- I was inspired to buy this book. I've mentioned before. I'm on my second time reading it (this time with a highlighter) this is one reason why:
"Acquiring some understanding of why we do things is often a prerequisite to change. This is especially true when talking about repetitive patterns of behavior that do not serve us well. This is what Socrates meant when he said, 'The unexamined life is not worth living.' That more of us do not take his advice is testimony to the hard work and potential embarrassment that self-examination implies." I only wish that we would've bought the tickets when Brian was here. But hey- Brett will have opportunity to do with him things alone when jack is away and he will use it...
So- what did I do yesterday, besides the obvious work below? I went on an errand to pick up something I ordered at the mall. On my way I realized I had ran out & didn't have any make-up on... even though I am severely fashion challenged (I have been trying to look more presentable therefore feel more put together) I decided to take a risk & do something completely out of my comfort zone. I walked up to the make up counter & asked the lady at lancome to do my make-up. It may sound silly to you but this was huge for me. guess what? it was fun, I tried something new- I liked it- it was different & ya- I did it.
This week I had a meaningful conversation with my lovely sister who is visiting, threw a birthday party, canned produce from my own garden & my neighbors garden, worked on a service project, read a book, played games with my kids, spent quality time with my sweet heart, created with friends, read a book with my son, sent a package & a letter, cried, laughed, went out to lunch, ate dessert, went for 3 walks, told several people I love them...


She Loves To Make said...

Good post. I like that line "Life-I'm living it." I can see you saying that too. You're such a great person. Love you!

Beth said...

Your right, it's just too short not to LIVE IT! It's priceless!

I love the picture!

wende said...

this was so inspiring! thank you for being such a great friend. i'm so proud of you, you are a great example to us all!

and how fun for jack and brett, i hope YOU get to go to at least one of those games though! :)

Kristy said...

I wanted to see a picture of the make up!!!! Great post are my IDOL!!!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am terrified of those makeup counters... not sure why~ I loved this post... thanks for the motivation... I love you!

Karrie said...

I loved the make-up need a picture of it.

Can you get your money back for the BYU ticktes and get U of U tickets????JK

Great post!

michelle said...

what a great post, Patsy!! I love that paragraph at the end of all the things you did last week, all so meaningful. Way to go!

Janae said...

Awesome post! I think I need to read that book:) I want to see the picture of the make-up too:)