Sunday, August 17, 2008

look who's back

The newlyweds got home from Arkansas this week.
they are moving into their college town apartment & loving it.
We took the whole family out to dinner to celebrate.

Fun times for sure.

silly-silly boy

This week for some reason... I am totally in a blogging funk.

If you hadn't noticed, it's been a while. I don't know if it was the four day headache, the stress of putting on my first PTA training, my constant Olympic TV trance, or just the back to school blues, I'm just out of it. Nothing bad really- I'm telling you- I'm just out of it.

For our last week before school starts & yes, we have another week, Brett's parents are coming into town. We are hoping to do some fun things while they are here & enjoy the kids last week of freedom= my last week of captivity :) JK

*what have you been doing?


Kristy said...

I am glad that Megan is home!!!! Hopefully this week will be a better week!!!! Think only 7 more days until school starts!!!! in the streets!!!

wende said...

i'm so glad megan and tony are back and doing well, i've been thinking a ton about them.

mandarin? yum! next blogger mom night needs to be there! i love that place!

enjoy this last week, it will go by a little fast, well, maybe not for you...:) be sure to take a break from the madness and give us a call.

Jill said...

I have noticed your lack of posting and had chalked it up to the kids hogging the computer all the time and your very busy life. I'm glad you posted something even if you're in a blogging funk.

A 4 day headache would shut me down too! Yikes. I hope you've recovered.

My kids start school tomorrow, I can't believe it! I'm excited for them, but so NOT keen on having to get up early again.

Karrie said...

It looks like married life certainly agrees with Megan...Tony too.

Sorry about the marathon did training go?

patsy said...

training went great- seriously we had a good turn out & great information. (you know how I hate pointless meetings)

jill- I am sharing the computer a lot these days. but not for long :)

Holly said...

I just had to leave a comment...That is my all time favorite place to eat. Layne and I had our wedding dinner there...not that you care to know that, but it is my fav! :)

Beth said...

Oh man... so sorry the headache turned into a marathon one. Yuk!
I hope you have sent it down the road by now.

All the kids look great! Tell them Aunt Beth LOVES to see them on the blog. So they have to keep cooperating!!! HAVE TO!!!!

Just embrace the funk... it's okay!
Fun this week with Grandparents, and back to routine when school starts. It's all good!! This too shall pass.