Friday, August 1, 2008

is she seriously doing one of those lists- again?!

31 for August-
1. I can't sleep without Vaseline on my lips
2. and lotion on my feet
3. and complete darkness
4. and quiet
5. and all the planets lining up in the universe just right.
6. I don't sleep well
7. except for... just before it's time to get up.
8. I am thinking about Christmas already.
9. I have Thanksgiving planned out in my head.
10. I love summer then two weeks before school starts I almost SnAP.
11. This year I am hoping not to snap at all.
12. I don't watch tv in the summer.
13. I used to NEVer miss the 10 o'clock news
14. I haven't seen it since February
15. I check my email many, many times during the day.
16. I love personal email messages in my box!
17. I'm sitting here waiting for gas prices to go down since the price of oil went down-
18. What? isn't anyone else wondering why the price hasn't dropped?
19. I've considered letting jack get a scooter for around town
20. Just considered- not doing it-
21. He probably wouldn't ride on one anyway.
22. I routinely offer my kids money to do outrageous things.
23. I offered jack $100 to do "the hustle" at the next stake dance. (he said they played it at the last stake dance & no one knew what it was but him- I looked up a how to tutorial on you tube- yep there's one)
24. I really hope he does it!!!
25. It'll be the best $100 I've spent this summer.
26. A couple of summers ago I offered brian & jack $25 a piece to get up at the concert in the park & dance in front of the band with all the little kids. They tried but just couldn't do it.
27. I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants.
28. I eat breakfast on the front porch almost everyday.
29. I am not doing any of my new years resolutions.
30. I believe in starting over.
31. I'm having a good year- anyway :)


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I have been wondering the same thing about gas prices... I love that you eat breakfast on the front porch...

Kristy said...

It is too hot to eat breakfast on my front porch.....maybe on my new patio.

The cupcakes under your "Happy August" looks way yummy!!!

Did you notice the cupcake wrapping paper in the Sally Foster book?

Great list!

Kim Sue said...

love your list...I think about Christmas all year around. Just the other day I ordered teacher presents out of a catalog!

Jill said...

I love it that you eat breakfast on your front porch almost every day! Who knew? That could be a post (with photos) all by itself.

I offered Amie $20 to do the Lily Pads at Seven Peaks, but she hasn't gone for it yet.

I'm not doing any of my New Year's Resolutions either. I thought this was going to be my year, but when Randy got laid off work in February everything came crashing down and I still haven't recovered.

Janae said...

I love your lists! I am thinking about Christmas too...gas prices are nasty and mean and will they ever come down?? I just don't know.
I gave Ava 20 bucks for letting me pull out her tooth...I guess that's more twisted than funny though.

Holly said...

I always enjoy your lists!

The last two are my favorite.

wende said...

what are new year's resolutions again? :) i'm with you though, i'm still having a good year anyway.

i go to bed with vaseline on my lips too, and i totally hear you on the not being able to sleep lately. maybe i'll have to make an ambien delivery later on. in my opinion, vaseline is one of the greatest inventions EVER. love that stuff, it's almost embarassing how much. but, i don't love it as much as ethan who still EATS it by the finger full - gross.

Karrie said...

I love the list and I have offered my kids money for a 4.0 but my most recetn bribe has to do with a hampster. I have to get Riley a hampster because she tried waterskiing at Lake Powell and got up and skied quite a ways on her first try. She does have to let Pa and Grammy adopt her fish first though!

I hate resolutions...don't bother next year just keep mental note of you personal goals and keep trying

Stacie said...

I love your lists! Keep 'em coming! :)

michelle said...

I love this post. So funny that you offer your kids $$ to do crazy things. I believe in starting over, too!