Tuesday, August 12, 2008

jr. high here she comes!

Can you believe this?

#5 - almost off to jr. high- wow- when did that happen?

My neighbor told me today that the head ache I'm having could be because I'm in my 40's now... "my hormones are probably out of balance due to my aging"- maybe I need estrogen?

gee thanks


wende said...

forty is not "aging"! sheesh! forty is the new twenty don't you know?

and i'm seriously feeling your pain about jr. high, i'm just not ready to start this again, and then AGAIN next year! brother.

Kristy said...

I think it is a "I can't wait until school starts" headache! Wow #5 to Jr High.......I just need to get #2 there. Good Luck!

Jill said...

Oh my goodness, #5 in Jr. High that is really something, especially considering you're ONLY 41!

I loved having a locker and put all kinds of fun things in there. Good times.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Checkin your blog out Patsy and went into CaRDIAc ARRest seeing these pictures!! I am so glad you captured them because I forgot my camera in my eagerness to get Kelcie there. How have you done it so far???

Thanks for your humor...lovin it!!!

Holly said...

Chole is so adorable! Abbie got her schedule yesterday also and is so excited to "move in". She told me this morning that she really doesn't think Jr. High is going to be that hard....let's pray she is right!

Beth said...

I love that you got pictures of her locker! One of my favorite parts of Jr. High... decorating my locker. Maybe I should have focused on more productive things, but hey!

Janae said...

Perfect pictures Patsy! I feel you jr. high pain....oh it will be fine...right?
I really think you are pretty far off from "hormone headaches" oh my....that is an interesting one!

Karrie said...

Wow...I must have missed this blog before...cute locker stuff Chloe! Only one more in elementary.

Your headaches are not from hormones....the're from people telling you your getting old. Ignore it and forget it.