Monday, August 25, 2008

family fun before school starts

In an attempt to get out & do something fun before school started
- the six of us went bowling & out to dinner Saturday!
Guess What?
It worked. We had a great time :)

Trent loves bowling & I mean loves it.
He's not too shabby at it either...

well that's what we thought until about 1/2 way through the set when he shoved one half heartedly. It went SO SLOW that it actually stopped right before it hit the pins. I thought it was pretty darn funny & down right amazing when you think about it. I don't know why- but I think it's comical when big kids try to throw a fit. It just didn't work- he's too big now. We just walked around him and that was that.
Luckily it lasted all of about 45 seconds. I remember the missionary doing the same thing once in a grocery store. I just stepped over him & he had this look in his eye, like- dang that didn't work.

This is Jack below after throwing
He talked the whole drive over to the bowling alley about what a cruddy bowler he was too- what a guy- he's a big fat liar is what he is!

I of course stink at bowling. I mean if anyone should never go bowling just because they are so bad- it's me. Once I went bowling with a large group of women for a girl's night type outing & bowled a 39. I'm not kidding, it's down right humiliating... & yes you can stop laughing now.
I did a little better this time.

I only threw 6 gutter balls-- what can I say? It's not my thing.

Hailey was having a rough time & at one point Brett suggested he have them put up the bumpers for her- she looks happy- huh?
But then - the bumpers did the trick. She actually wasn't even doing bad!
Imagine my joy & happiness (I'm being completely sarcastic) when the bumpers came up on my next turn- OKAY I ADMIT I STINK BUT THAT WAS REALLY NOT FUNNY.

Trent had the most fun rearranging the bowling balls & handing them out.

I'm so glad these three are such great sports & so fun to be with.Afterwards we went to Cafe Rio & had a great dinner & even better dessert-
the best ever key lime pie!
They make it from scratch there & it's just right- loads of whipped cream & not too tart. *what did you do this weekend?
*do you like to bowl?
*have you ever scored a 39? Or worse????
(that would be sad & hard to do)
*were you wondering if I fell off the planet??


Jill said...

I don't think I've ever scored as low as a 39, but I am a seriously bad bowler. I am so inconsistent, I should really use the bumpers.

I was wondering if you fell off the planet, but was hoping you were just busy.

We had a soccer game, errands and lounging to do this weekend.

michelle said...

The only way I even enjoy bowling is if I use the bumpers!! Three strikes in a row, that's awesome -- isn't that called a turkey?

I love love love the first picture of all of your feet in bowling shoes! And I had no idea Cafe Rio made key lime pie! I'll have to try that.

Beth said...

I love the bowling shoe pictures... at one point in my high school, it became a cool thing to wear them home (accidently) and to school the next day. Can you imagine... nothing flattering about bowling shoes at all!

We, of course, love to bowl! I was trying to think of a fun activity before school starts back here on Thursday... maybe your brother will say yes to a little bowling competition... he will seriously laugh at the 39! Sorry!
But he will be totally impresssed with the turkey!!! Way to go Jack!!!

Karrie said...

I knew you didn't fall of the planet...just crazy like the rest of us. This look so kids always ask to bowl and I have to be really desperate to say yes and go because my bowling is either really lucky and great...or totally bad...mostly bad.

Janae said...

I can't bowl a lick...oh well! I hate to children are deprived...
It looked like a very fun family outing though and I would even bowl for one of those:)