Saturday, August 30, 2008

party time :)

One of my favorite parts of being a mom is throwing birthday parties. I love them. I think all of my kids have had way too many. It's just so much fun. I never over do it... I'm just too tradition. In fact I hate over done birthday parties- get real people- let em' be kids. Kids are just naturally so fun.
So for Chloe's 12th we did go a bit big time & took all these cuties to the local pizza place. (Although the have such a fantastic dinner special it wasn't even that expensive.)
12- is a big, okay huge deal in our church. It's when youth move from the little kid Sunday School- primary- to the big kid youth group- Young Women's. Very, very exciting for sure. Young women's involves- girl's camp, Wednesday night activities, monthly combined activities with the boys, firesides, & eventually dances. Oh it's big stuff.Chloe informed me that she & her friends were recently referred to as "the nerds" by one of the more "popular girls"... gotta love jr high.
I wonder if the "popular girls" were out eating pizza tonight?
Chloe has great taste- thus her favorite pizza matches mine- Margarita yumo! I ordered more traditional ones thinking this would be too much for 12 year olds- but it was the first to go! Brett & I sat quietly at the table right next to theirs & just had a great dinner watching them. Not bad.
After pizza & pop we went home & had peach cobbler- after kristy went to a lot of trouble getting her chocolate fountain together for us to borrow--- sorry kristy. Chloe couldn't decide & when the girls got here we took a vote.

these girls are so much fun. Chloe forgot she had that bow in her hair. I thought she knew it was there. (the white one on top of her head) On the way home from dropping off all the girls- she reached up & felt it- oh my - I've had a bow on my head all night- hee hee funny stuff.

right after pizza we split the girls into teams & sent them on an old fashioned scavenger hunt. did you used to do those at slumber parties? they were all the rage when I was a kid. Anyhow, I hope I don't get phone calls about sending girl's out to stranger's homes. (we had a lot of rules) It was so funny to see them running all over the neighborhood & they really loved it. one of the girls came back & said - "we thought the zucchini was going to be really hard to get - but we got that one right away." oh ya- who doesn't want to get rid of a couple of zucchini this time of year?
the night ended up being a "Murder in the Dark" marathon. Again, I hope I don't get phone calls? They played it over & over. It was pitch black except for the flash light in the center of the table when I took the picture & blinded them with my flash.... they were kind enough to let trent & his little buddy play the last two games before I took them home.

Fun times - Great kids

*do you like birthday parties?


She Loves To Make said...

How fun! Chloe's birthday looks like a blast. We're excited to come up tomorrow!

Janae said...

What a fun b-day for a darling 12-year-old:)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I love birthday parties! I am so excited for Chloe to be in Young Womens... I have so many good memories of those years~

Linda said...

This group of beautiful girls sure don't look like nerds to me!!

The party looks and sounds like it was alot of fun...I bet they had a great time.

As far as parties go, I'm with you...keep it simple and keep it real!

Unknown said...

nerds rule!!

Kristy said...

Fun times!! Don't worry about the chocolate fountain....I don't care if you used it or not! I am glad that Chloe had a fun party!

wende said...

allie and lauren both agreed that it was one of the funnest birthday parties they have been to because of the fun games. they also said that YOU have some serious murder in the dark skills and were good and killing people with your eyes!

this made me crack up, i bet most moms are good at killing with their eyes! :) thanks for including lauren, she was excited to be invited. and lelly's right, nerds do rule! who was that popular girl? i'll go beat her up.

Holly said...

Looks like a very fun time. Birthday parties are so much fun to throw for kids!

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Jill said...

What a great party! I love throwing birthday parties for the kids and try to make it a special day for them. You only get to be a kid once!

crystal said...

Remind me to have YOU plan my kids' parties!!! What fun! I'm thinking I'll do these activities for my next party, when I turn 37 next year.

Chloe is such a cutie. Happy Birthday, Chloe!

Karrie said...

I'm with Wende..I'll go beat that mean girl up!!!!!

From one "nerd herd" MOM to another...Nerd stands for

N= Nice
E= Energetic
R= Real
d= Diva's

So there you stupid mean girl!!! watch your back!!!

michelle said...

12 is a huge milestone!

Nerds are the best kids, the best kind of friends. They're real, they're nice, they don't care so much about what other people think of them. I hope my kids are all like that!

(And I'm dying over Karrie saying "watch your back!!" Too funny.)