Friday, August 29, 2008

This week!

It's been a great first week of school-
A new year- change- hope- boundless possibilities- that's how I feel about the start of a new school year.
Our morning routine is off to a great start & I am loving it! We have started reading scripture as a family every morning (minus trent) at 6:30. That means I'm getting up at 6:15 to start some breakfast to make it a little easier for everyone. This is something we have done before at different times of the day but never this early. It's a hard thing to do- but the hardest week (the first) is behind us & I can tell, it's a good thing.I've been walking trent to school & then going on for a walk with max, then trying to make the most of every day. It's hard - I'm adjusting- I don't do change very well & I'm struggling with my day time routine- but I know it will come.This picture really sums up Max's heartbreak with all the kids away...look at that sad face. He was so happy dad came home for lunch on Tuesday!
And hey look at this- I found a new candy bar at the grocery store this week- Snickers Rockin Nut Road- mmm good stuff
that'll get you going!
so we're off to a great new year
has school started at your house?
do you have your "day time" routine down....?


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I don't even like Snickers, but that looks good!

Karrie said...

I'm glad Max and Ace got a chance to meet the other should plan to meet up with me and Troy for walks...he usually bails on me when the weather gets I could use another walking buddy and so could ace.

Janae said...

Poor Max! That picture is really cute, but he does look really sad:( Max,Ace And Nicolette are all in the same boat;)
That snickers looks way good!

Beth said...

I thought I would just get right back into the daytime routine when school started here yesterday... it has been the hardest two days ever! Nice to know I might have been expecting too much.

I might need one of those candy bars to cope!!
It's soooooo quiet and my dog is puking she is so lonely!
Good Grief!!!

Nice to know I am not struggling alone.

p.s. the walking in the fresh air helps!

Jill said...

Wow, you're a champ to be getting up so early to make breakfast to ease the scripture reading situation...I would need someone to do that for me!

I am still reveling in my back to school alone time at home, so parts of my routine are down, but other parts still need to be incorporated.

michelle said...

I am still trying to figure out my school-time routines. That Snickers might help!