Monday, August 11, 2008


Oh yes we are loving the Olympics! We were glued to the TV all day yesterday & Saturday. Which meant our house is a mess & wasn't very clean for company. It's the Olympics - it just started- and it's already amazing. Watching sports on a sunday is a big deal for us. We never watch sports on sunday- not even the super bowl (okay we check the score now & then) but the Olympics- that's just plain good stuff.

My personal favorite moments so far...
The opening ceremonies- of course- the was FANtasTic!!

U.S. women vs. Japan in volleyball- (I was late for work)
I have to admit I loved seeing the US men's beach volleyball lose to Latvia's first ever team- we were ranked #1 them #23 & ThEY won! that was insane- you can't help but root for the underdog on that one.
US women's gymnastics- even though they had a rough start with a last minute injury they were incredible & really pulled through on the vault. Did anyone see that 31 year old on the Russian team? I almost fell off my chair- 31? unheard of & she's good!

and of course in swimming the US relay team stomping on the French who said they would "smash" us!! WOO HOO

Go Michael Phelps- he's amazing!!! I wonder if he gives swimming lessons?
*are you Olympic's crazed at your house?


Unknown said...

i've been so tired from the show, that i've barely seen any olympics!! yesterday morning, we slept in, and then i forced myself to just sit on the sofa and watch! (all that cleaning and laundry is still waiting for me...)

Kristy said...

I will take swimming lessons with you if our teacher is Michael Phelps!!!! I have them on right now and I am not getting anything done....I need to mow the lawn!!!!

Karrie said...

I love Michael Phelps and we are totally addicted to the Olympics thank goodness for the DVR...I don't know how we lived without is literally hours and hours of Olympics and you can watch it in record time....LOVE IT

Amie said...

We are loving the Olympics too. Especially with the DVR.... it is kind of amazing to get it all so fast and uninterrupted (and maybe a bit of fast forwarding.... sorry cycling...).

Holly said...

Just wanted to leave a comment and say hi. We are loving the Olympics! I have to force myself to turn off the TV off at 2 am so I can get a few hours of sleep before the kids get up!

Also, I wanted to tell you that I think you are seriously the best "music lady" (that is what Aaliyah calls you) that I have ever seen. You are great with the kids and Aaliyah, you know how shy she is, just adores you!

Have a good one!

Holly said...

Yes...sadly to say I am an addict as well. (to clarify a addict of blogging that is) I try to not let taking care of my kids affect it though...just kidding :)
I will check yours often as well if that is ok. I think your sense of humor is fabulous darling...fabulous.

Kim Sue said...

everything has gone out the window since the Olympics started. I don't watch much television so adding a few hours A DAY has got to effect something, right? whose worried about laundry, the yard, dishes, paperwork. Surely we can muddle through for 17 days!

wende said...

yes we are olympic crazed, that men's relay was one of my favorite moments so far! we LOVE the olympics! can't get enough of it.

ok, but i'll be honest, i was a little nervous during michael phelps' screaming/celebration thing that he was going to lose his pants! riding a little low aren't we there buddy?! i'm glad my fear did not come true!

Janae said...

I have loved all of you guys and your Olympic posts! I feel like we are missing out on the Olympic fun!