Thursday, August 21, 2008

a little bit of this week

I haven't been blogging much- you know the blogging funk & all. But here's a little bit of what I'm doing these days. The newlyweds came up & we went out to dinner with Grandma & Grandpa. I forgot to take a picture at the restaurant?? We had a great time. It was fun be out downtown & sharing so much food & fun at one of my favorite places Biaggi's. We were so big they put us in a dark private room off to the side- blah. I love the main restaurant it is so pretty & modern- if that ever happens again- I'm asking for a regular table in the regular dining room.
I can't wait to go see meg & tony's new apartment. Grandma is here having some medical testing done at the U of U & we just don't have time to get down there this week, so next week when the kids are in school I'm going down on my own- SCORE! Hey jill, maybe I could meet you for lunch?For about 10 seconds we thought hailey was taller than megan- but no- it was just her shoes. Darn it for hailey- she was so excited- then so disappointed. They are exactly the same height 5'1". I'm 5'4" so I wonder how tall Chloe will be?
I'm taking my turn this week driving my three days of ballet. these girls are precious. We stopped & got cookies on the way so we had to really hustle to be on time today- it was worth it. Once a month I clean out my care & wash the inside/outside windows etc. while waiting the 1.25 hours for ballet to get over. I also sent a good mail package & read some of my book. It was so hot today I was burning up- hence the red cheeks. Man I love a clean car!

I found out that my favorite bakery sells gourmet miniature cupcakes now! wow- I didn't try one- no way! the strawberry cream puffs with fresh whipping cream are worth walking 10 miles through a snake infested forest of glass- so why even bother?

While waiting in the waiting room for brett's mom I finished this book. I mostly loved it- so much so I decided to read it again- this time with a colored pencil to highlight my favorite parts. Okay- those of you who know me well are fainting right now. I am only recently a reader. So to be reading a book over again is- YA - unheard of for me. It's that thought provoking to me. Jack continues to spend his nights in an Olympic hyper trance with many friends. They are sometimes here sometimes at other's homes. I have to say- these Olympics are absolutely spell bounding!! Did you see the Women's Beach Volleyball win?- man, they're nearly naked but so cool. Normally it would be so offensive to me... especially white suits... I mean come on?! White suits?- geez people- who are your stylists? No wonder Jack & his friends stay up every night watching the Olympics? (that's not cool)

I took this picture of my favorite house to stalk near ballet. I like to see it in all four seasons. Someday I am gonna get up the guts to drop off a little gift & bribe the owners to let me see the inside... does that sound like a good idea? maybe I need some advice on that one?

Trent went with me to run several errands this morning & to swear in my first local PTA president! I sure like alone time with this guy, especially in the car- great conversation time. Here he is talking on the phone with his dear friend lily. Trent is not what you'd call a "phone talker" this conversation lasted - oh about 3 sentences- even though he really misses her. She is visiting her aunt & not back until Sunday- oh the misery! We have the greatest conversations. I frequently wish I had a tape recorder with me. He is so funny & animated when he gets a goin'. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about Transformers- again. I also stopped counting how many times he said "why" after 15... ya it's exhausting but when I laid down next to him last night he said- You know why I like you so much, mom? me- no why? trent- you're a real sweetie pie!
Gotta love that
So it's a wonderful life - this week anyway-
*do you think I should "drop" in at that house?
*do you like whipped cream?
*do you like to talk to your kids while driving in the car?
*are you surprised I'm 5'4" & my girls are only 5'1"?


Kristy said...

Those cupcakes look so yummy!!!! Tell your girls not to feel about being is better to short more boys to pick from!!! I love your stalking house.....I need them to come and landscape my house.

Good luck tomorrow! :)

Karrie said...

Wow how can I get my boy to say things like that!...way cool. I want to see the inside of the stalking house.

Hope all is well with the MIL...we will miss you tomorrow

wende said...

i'm not sure about dropping in on the home owners, that kind of scares me a little bit. so far, the best whipped cream i've ever tasted was that fabulous stuff at the dodo on karrie's bday - heavenly! so, ya, now i'm a big of the stuff. i LOVE driving with the kids in the car, especially one on one like that, the best conversations of our lives have always been in the car. why is this i wonder? i'm glad you've had a good week dispite the medical testing, good luck tomorrow, we will be thinking about you!!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Sounds like a fun week... I love that picture of you and Trent. I have recently developed a love of whip cream... I don't know why but I never liked it as a kid.

Johnna said...

Hey don't forget we are coming through on Thursday. You can go with us if you want. I would love to see Megan and Tony too.

Jill said...

I definitely think you should drop in at that cute house, or at least drop off a note telling them how much you love seeing their cute house and beautiful yard whenever you drive by, I'm sure they'd love to hear that.

I LOVE whipped cream way too much!

I always talk to my kids in the car, I feel like it's on of the rare times I have their undivided attention. I think it's the setting of many important conversations.

I definitely want to get together for lunch next week, just tell me when.

Holly said...

You have been busy. A little comment about the Womens V-Ball. I agree about the outfits totally. I walked into the living room to Layne watching it. He casually said "Yea, you can change it if you want" me-"what you don't want to watch these woman with hot bodies playing?" Layne-"There in good shape, but not my type" Me- "Yea you like the tall, not in shape ones" Layne "Yep" lolol!

I have never got into the Olympics until this year. Good times!

Anonymous said...

PATSY!! I agree with Trent--you totally are a sweetie pie!! And YAY for megan and tony being back home again:)

She Loves To Make said...

Not quite sure why the stoned picture of me is on your blog but I love you so it is okay. I love that house you took a picture of! That's kinda what the houses in Bentonville look like--the ones I never took a picture of. Bummer. Cute pic of you and trent?

She Loves To Make said...

I didn't mean to have a questions mark at the end of that sentence! Love you!

Jill said...

Pasty, fight the funk, you gotta post more than every 4 days!

Karolynn said...

Sounds like a great week! You have a great family! I enjoyed hearing your husband’s testimony yesterday, he is amazing! Whitney actually cried she was so upset that he was released. Can you email me a photo of Chole for our YW blog? I set up a privet blog for the girls. Anytime you want to update Chole or Hailey's photo, just email me one. My email address is karolynn4@ Thanks! I will be passing out the blog information and password to the girls on Sunday, but can email it to you too.

michelle said...

I love whipped cream and the cream puffs sound really good, but... I don't think I could have resisted those cupcakes!

I can see why you love to drive by that darling house!

I do like to talk to my kids in the car. Somehow it seems easier for them at times when we're not looking at each other...

Janae said...

I love whip cream too much...I want to go to that bakery!! How have I not been there? Those cupcakes looked too yummy.
I love that your Trent calls you sweetie!
Great recap of your week:)