Thursday, September 27, 2007

Brian's Birthday

Yesterday was a busy, crazy day, but a lot of fun- kind of. Wow what a sentence.
We were on day two of the carpet being installed - which met up with a few snags but all is well now. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be getting new carpet, it is just a lot of work moving everything we own upstairs around etc. The good news is, hopefully we will be more organized & get rid of a lot of junk as well as have new carpet. It's a win- win situation for sure.
The bad news is our Dish box went out days ago & I have been made painfully aware of how addicted I am to T.V. The idiots sent us three new boxes (????) we set one up then spent the next hour+ on the phone because it wouldn't work either!!! I - WE are all ticked off because everyone knows TONIGHT IS THE PREMIERE OF THE OFFICE! We have only been waiting all summer for this. Not to mention our footage of us on the Letterman show & Regis & Kelly from our trip to New York are gone.
Okay I'm done venting...
Here is a picture of Brian not wanting to get his birthday picture taken.

We went to dinner at Firehouse Pizza to celebrate. Bonus- Megan & Tony came.

He got a jump rope from his dad so that on his mission he can stay active.
After dinner we got to see some real cool moves from everyone with it. Who knew a jump rope could be so much fun?

Best of all he opened a new set of Spider Man sheets to take with him when he leaves for Chile.
All the other missionaries are going to be so impressed- or worried.
The best part of my day- when he brought me a dozen roses home after work-
thanking me for his special day. He's a keeper for sure!
I love you Brian!


PaD said...

Lucky you. What a sweet kid. Happy late birthday Brian. Jack and I got a laugh out of his b/d present from his dad. Fay and Gene were on there way to Ohio today and they just got to the next little town and a girl rammed them from behind. Fay is hurting pretty bad. Gene is okay. Looks like there car is a complete loss. (I couldn't spell totaled????)

PaD said...

I've got to start previewing this thing. I mispelled their also.

PaD said...

I'm laughing I think I mis I can't spell it. I'm getting old. Heck. I give up. Love ya.

Jill said...

How sweet of him to bring you flowers!