Monday, September 3, 2007

End of Summer Hoo-Rah Labor Day

This is the view out my front door. It's another early morning flag day for the scouts. I love this tradition/fundraiser. Brett started this in our old ward & then again here almost six years ago. Seeing the flag flying all through the neighborhood is one of my favorite things, it warms my heart~ I just love it. Now that Brett isn't scout master he doesn't always go but when he did he had a little devotional on patriotism each time. It's been so good for my boys.

I am starting a project, inspired by Chanel that is all about patriotism. Check it out!

The girl's talked us into an end of summer sleep over - max included!

Trent too!

This morning Brett & Trent are hiking our mountain. They left a few minutes ago. Brett loves to hike in the hills above our house. His goal all summer was to get up to the summit. I told him he could leave Trent home- hope they make it!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love all the flags in people's yards too, it's beautiful and inspiring.