Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Busy Days

I haven't posted in a while. I have had some busy days.

Monday was supposed to be catch up day. But, I didn't get much done.

Lately I am feeling stressed & overwhelmed.Why... well just the usual, son leaving on mission, daughter dating someone I hardly know- "seriously," I met with Trent's teacher- he's doing well, but she (just as his first grade teacher) thinks he needs to be tested for Asberger's Syndrome. I am setting that up.

Motherhood~ what can I say?

Brian the missionary in waiting has a fever.

This morning- just after everyone left for school- I heard the lock turn on the front door. Jack was back- naucious. Hailey walked in this afternoon "achy." Chloe has a headache.

Max did get a haircut though- itsn't he cute?

I went to work... here is me & my good friend Linda the AMAZING cook & caterer.

I recycled tons of paper & card board. Looks like I need to make a new sign.

This afternoon the girls have piano group classes.

(do you think I need a new windshield?)

Hailey will want to kill me when she sees I snuck in a picture of her.
I am trying to help chloe with her math homework before her class, but she is really crabby about it so I am not going to take a picture.

*do you get stressed even over good things with your kids?
*are you having busy days lately?
*do you have a child with difficulties?


PaD said...

Sorry Brian is sick.

My house isn't messy anymore because I have no kids at home anymore. I haven't done my dishes today because if I put them in the dishwasher the ants attack. So, I'm soaking them till I get a sink full. I think that's a good excuse.

I have 5 kids and they all have problems. I guess if they didn't they'd be dead. Their mother has problems too. Worrying about her babies which the youngest is about 38. Ha, Ha. You think when you're raising your kids that you'll be glad when they're grown because then you won't worry so much about them. The problem with that thinking is that when they're young their problems most times are small. The older they are the bigger their problems become and you worry still. Then you get grandchildren and then great grandchildren to worry about if you're lucky.

I keep holding to the thought that the Lord said it would't be easy but that it would be worth it.

patsy said...

thanks mom- love you

Jill said...

It sounds like you've got your hands full right now, though with 6 kids I'm sure you always do.

I don't stress too much with my kids, but that's probably because I've only got 2 of them and they're still young enough to be manageable.

I've been having busy days and keep thinking they're going to end, but they're not.