Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Modem Is Broken!

Yes, last night after a huge storm my Internet light turned red. I tried everything I could think of to bring it back to life with no success. This morning I called Quest who basically said- it's dead- and they are sending out a new one. I guess it was a pretty old model, so it had a good life. First, they send a label to send the old one in then they will send a new one. I am this afternoon at Karen's using her computer. So glad for good friends! There won't be any pictures for a couple of days but I am still going to keep up with my new obsession- this blog!
Today I had a great morning & I am getting so much done. I sent 3 pieces of "good mail" & feel energized by all the rain. I guess those warm feelings are from my Seattle upbringing.? Have I mentioned how much I love a rainy day, especially after a long hot summer?

* Are you having a good day?
* Do you love rain?
*Do you send good mail?

1 comment:

Beth said...

You know I'm a "Seattle Girl" too, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE RAIN!

Your right, have to say I do appreciate it even more after living through a hot summer!
There is no other feeling like quality quiet time on a rainy day.

Bring on the rain!!