Friday, September 14, 2007


I'm tired today.
It has been a good week with little blogging because I have been plagued by forgetting my camera or just plain forgetting to take a picture.
Well not today...
It may be boring but I am taking pictures.
We have been car juggling lately because of the transition going on around here. We've got 16 year old Jack the driver & Brian the missionary in waiting. They both have very different schedules & places they need to be etc. So, this morning in my pj's the missionary in waiting had to go to work & I forgot he didn't have transportation. Needing my car, I offered to take him to his dad's car (so glad Brett works 5 minutes away~an extreme blessing.)
On one condition- I don't have to get dressed- no big deal, I thought. Well in my pj's we were off with Max of course- who LOVES riding in the car. It is so funny his beard & eye brows blowing in the wind. (they are not blowing in the wind- I stopped the car to take this picture)
Every time I walk into the garage he wants to jump in the car and go for a ride.
Luckily I remembered I had NO gas before I dropped off Brian so he filled up the tank for me. I am so glad I remembered~ the pj's not a good look for public even thought the are modest.

Everyone knows Brian has always been a ham & loves to pose for the camera. So here's the glamour shot for the day!
What a crack up- his passport came in the mail two days ago. I guess it's official, he is going to Chile. He spent the night down in Provo & met Megan's roommate's sister, who recently got back from his mission herself. She loved it but told him that the people down there eat a lot of meat & the meat has a lot of hormones in it so she mentioned that if you don't have a lot of hair on your body you will.
(I can hear the laughter out there now)
It's hard to tell from this picture above that Brian has very hairy legs. He is in a panic- he may turn into an ape. Hey I said maybe you won't need thermal underwear afterall...
having fur.

I'm going to miss this guy.

*Do you ever drive places in your pj's?


Johnna said...

I will be forwarding that comment to Marcus. I am sure that he will get a kick out of it. By the way, let Brian know that I was laughing....Love you sis.Have a great day!

wende said...

Patsy lady, I just love your blog. I drive all over the place in my pjs just hoping that I don't end up in an accident with no bra or shoes! Hey,maybe Rich ate meat from Chile? He's the hairiest guy I know, for real! -wende

Jill said...

That's kind of freaky about the hormones in the meet in Chile, but at least he's a guy. What about the sister missionaries?

I'm so pleased you're taking your camera places with you. I think documenting everyday life is fabulous and definitely NOT boring.

I occasionally drive places in my pjs but always feel panicked like that will be the day I get in an accident or something.