Wednesday, August 19, 2009

tales of a teenage bedroom

Yesterday morning I made the journey down to the basement- with my camera.
Ya- jack & brian share the only finished room in our unfinished basement. Or they did before Brian became- the missionary. Jack used to tell my on a regular basis that any mess in their room was because of Brian. No, I didn't believe him.
But still, I wondered.
I think the verdict is in.
Jack is a slob.
It's no surprise really, I mean he comes by it naturally. I used to be a teenage slob myself. Still- that's no excuse right? In our defense- I didn't want to spend his last months of home life nagging him about his room, so I just let it go- or as jack would say, "why do now what I have to do before I move out?"
He moves out a week from today.
It's time to get serious about cleaning up & clearing out some junk.
Really- it's time- time's up- get up-hey jack, get up- let's clean the room today- I'll even help you... jack, hey jack jack --
maybe tomorrow?
*were you a teenage slob?


Unknown said...


i have a jack who is well on his way to being a teenage-slob-jack...

Beth said...

I was a teenage slob and now I have one too! And still trying to wake mine up since 7am... and it's almost 10am! No easy feat being the "mean Mom"... I have to work at it! You are so kind to let it go a little to keep the peace. I am afraid if I let it go any more I won't be able to get the door open to rescue him in there. Ugggg!!!

Karolynn said...

Whitney is in our basement too. I just went down in her room to get her laundry. She is a slob too! That is so exciting about Brian coming home soon!

She Loves To Make said...

I was never a teenage slob :)

Jill said...

It's great you took pictures of his room (complete with him sleeping in it) before he leaves for college. I really wish I had pictures of my high school bedroom, they'd be a time capsule for today.

You may have guessed this, but I was definitely NOT a teenage slob!

Kristy said...

This makes me feel so much better!!! Jake and Kyle's rooms look exactly the SAME!!!! Boys what can we say???

shannon said...

The ending of this post had me cracking funny, Patsy...

I had my moments (and still do) where I completely trashed (trash) my room...and then I go on an OCD spell when I have to put everything in order...I complain about my kids being slobs, but I swear, I'm half the problem most of the time....

Kim Sue said...

not even as a teenager...a little OCD even back then!

LOVE the Krammer picture!

Rachel said...

Haha, I love it! Was I a slob? No way, my room was meticulously clean and organized - yes, I had TONS of posters on the walls and ceiling, but not one was angled or skewed in any way. I used to stay up - until 2 a.m. once! - de-cluttering; I couldn't rest in a cluttered room. Neurotic, I know. Good thing I have some kids now, it's teaching me to let go of my obsessiveness.

michelle said...

Whoa! I may have a small problem of letting clothes pile up, but I have never been an out and out slob -- I hope.

Karrie said...

I can see why you don't like going down to the basement...YIKES...Mariah's room can almost rival Jack's!