Friday, August 7, 2009

just T and Me

Tuesday morning Brett left to Ohio on business.
Wednesday morning these two left for girls camp... Then... right after that- the big guy here
left for scout camp- (his last year.)

Trent & I have spent 2 1/2 days together now.
Just me & T.
Before Jack left we went to cub scouts.
We hiked in the canyon, then headed to the Wolf Den leader's house- to swim in her amazing pool. (I forgot my camera)
Next, Trent had his yearly check up with his doctor. He loves her. Last time we went in she wasn't the doctor we saw, so when I mentioned we were seeing her he said- I like her! That was good. After all the usual weight & height- blood pressure- eye exam... we went into the exam room. Everything was good- but the doctor & I talked frankly about his ADHD- meds- aspergers- school- friendships- sports- activities- etc. I was a little nervous about this. I mean he was sitting right there. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable... how quickly I forget he has aspergers.... after we got back in the car & drove a bit I asked him.
m- so trent how do you feel about the doctor & I talking about your aspergers?
T- well, it's really hard having aspergers.
m- really? why?
t- because sometimes I don't have a tissue & I can't get them out. They get stuck in my nose.
ya- he's fine

We drove down to Gardner village- we brought bread to feed the ducks. They were so beautiful & reminded me so much of Shannon- (hi shannon). The sparrows & fish were after the bread too- fun times.

Then we ran into the candy store there- where he of course didn't want any candy... but loved the old fashioned toys. We went into the fabric shop to look for a pattern for megan & ya... I just had to see a little bit of fabric. Oh the fabric there is amazing!! I know, I know it was Trent's day... but I just couldn't resist.
It was not my best time- his either- he had a target gift card & it was seriously burning a hole in his pocket. So even though I promised we would go after I got megan her pattern- he asked me every 2 minutes - when are we going to target? when are we going to target? hey mom, when are we going to target??

Yes- we made it to target & bought his one millionth transformer.
Then went to Sweet Tomatoes for me to eat dinner & him to play with it in front of his dinner.
It was GReat.
He managed amazingly to eat 3 helpings of Mac & Cheese.

It was a FABULOUS day!
Later than night we had a "pizza party JUST like JACK"
we ate totino's pizza at 10:00 PM while watching the office. All trent's choice. It's so funny what kids notice. This was what he had been waiting for all day. I suggested watching the weather on the local news after a few minutes of the office.... he is slightly obsessed with the weather. He comes by that naturally- although I just have to check it every night before bed not 10 times a day... anyway- I didn't blog yesterday... I'm feeling like it's been three weeks- not three days since everyone left... PLUS our power was out for about 5 hours yesterday! MISERY! Luckily we spent the afternoon at WEnde's & ate pizza at costco for dinner- another T's choice.
I really love the kid- but hey-
what time are you guys getting back today??
I've got the fever-
cabin fever!
and ya- the house is still a disasterous mess. I haven't gotten a thing done. so could you guys come home & do chores? I need a nap- trent slept with me all three nights ... I'm really tired & I might be crazy now.. and a little drooly... has it only been 3 days?


Karolynn said...

Sounds like you and Trent have had a great time together. I about died laughing about the comment he made about his aspergers. I thought he was going to say another body part and was relieved to read the word nose. He is just too cute!

Beth said...

What a great time just you and T! Exhausting, but what great memories. I love the picture of you two, and him with the ducks!
One millionth transformer... cracks me up! At least it wasn't a cell phone.


She Loves To Make said...

I'm glad you had a pizza party "just like Jack!" That is too funny.

Jill said...

That's crazy that everyone was gone during the same week like this! It's nice that you and Trent had some one-on-one time together, but I can see how it would be lonely without everyone around when you're so used to it.

It was weird not having you post yesterday, I was concerned.

Kim Sue said...

you sound worn out by all the fun one-on-one time! maybe it is all those pizza carbs :o)

shannon said...

I'm cracking up at Trents booger comment...that kind of reminds me of the time when I was talking frankly to Jake when he was about 6 years old about the birds and the bees...I was even used the technical words for body parts! I was sweating and nervous, but tried to sound as matter of a fact as possible...after I was finished, I asked him if he had any questions and he said that he did...and the question was....are you ready????---"What happens if Reilly eats a lollypop when you said she couldn't have one?"

I love the little pond you went to! How sweet that you were thinking about me! There's just something about ducks that's so peaceful and simple and calming...

P.S.--what IS it with transformers? I would not have made a good boy!

michelle said...

I'm totally cracking up over this, Patsy. You are good to indulge him in so much fun one-on-one time! I would have been sorely tempted to escape to my bed with a book...