Monday, August 3, 2009

31 for august

1. August is a special month for me
2. three of my six children have august birthdays. Loads of fun!
3. I was finally tested last week for rheumatoid arthritis....
4. I've been putting it off---
5. the test results came back today NEGATIVE
6. {deep sigh} what a relief!
7. pain in my hands is only bad when I work a lot-
8. or quilt a lot-
9. now that I know I don't have an autoimmune disease- I am doing it anyway
10. (with the help of ibuprofen)
11. I am on the state Legislative Action Committee (LAC) for PTA this year.
12. Our first meeting was last week
13. interesting
14. I thought about quitting or just saying, "I'm too busy." No one would blame me-
15. but I know I need to stay involved/busy or my spirits run low-
16. so I went & I am glad I did.
17. I am amazed that this year I will:
18. become a grandmother,
19. witness the return of my missionary,
20. see my middle son off to college,
21. have a child in High School,
22. one in Jr. High School,
23. and--- one in elementary school.
24. that is CRAZY!
25. ONly one thing is for sure....
26. I better enjoy it because it won't last!
27. Brett & I are starting to feel lost as we see them leave
28. or find ourselves alone on weekend nights??
29. What in the world- where is everybody?
30. school starts in three weeks
31. even though I am not in school- the start of school always feels like a new beginning-
It's going to be a good year!


Gail said...

I'm glad you don't have RA or any other auto-immune disease. But if you did, I would be able to tell you that for a lot of people (myself included) it is really not a very big bump in the road.

By the way, I really love your end of the month musings.

wende said...

transition is always hard. what an incredible year this is going to be!

i can relate to staying busy for a reason. i HAVE to have a schedule to get me going in the mornings. sad but true.

Kristy said...

Great list!!!! I am ready for school to start maybe with a schedule I will get something done!

She Loves To Make said...

I'm glad you don't have rheumatoid arthritis! This is going to be a fun year for our family!

PaD said...

I'm thankful you don't have RA. I'm also thankful you have many wonderful friends. When our children left we felt like you and Brett. We still feel that way. We still miss our little ones and it's been about 20 years. Good friends help a lot.

michelle said...

I'm so glad you don't have RA, too! I never knew that was a concern of yours. Osteoarthritis runs in my family. I already have it in my knees, now I fear I'm getting it in my hands.

One in elem., one in jr. high, one in high school, one in college! Holy cow. You are going to have a busy year for sure.

Janae said...

so glad your results were negative! I have a couple of friends who suffer with it...not fun!
I would like to hear about your PTA meeting...sounds interesting...
A great year ahead for you guys! Exciting stuff:) busy, but...good busy:)

Karrie said...

I can't believe all the exciting stuff coming up...being a Grandma...getting the missionary back. I'm so glad you don't have RA!

Jill said...

Wow, 3 birthdays in August, that would be expensive!

I'm so glad the arthritis test turned out negative!

It's good that you know you do better when you're busy.

I'm surprised how often Randy and I end up being home alone or with only one of the kids here, aren't they young (10 and 8) to be gone so much?

shannon said...

This really is going to be a milestone year for you...I'm glad you're such a diligent blogger...I think it's so great to document life's adventures...