Tuesday, August 18, 2009

100 days

It's been long journey these past 636 days.
But my missionary mom days they are quickly coming to an end.

There are only
100 days left

100 days until I see him again- face to face- mother & son.

I had no idea what I was in for back on that day, November 14, 2007- when our family drove down together to the missionary training center & dropped him off. It was hard-much harder than I thought it would be. It was heart wrenching. It was painful. But it was a good thing. A great thing for him & a very good thing for our family. Since then so many things have happened.

We have been strengthened as we pray for him daily.

Jack has become the head/leader of the kids at home & grown several inches.

We welcomed Tony into the family & will be grandparents soon.

Megan & Jack & Tony graduated from their different schools.
Marcus got married.
Hailey is starting High School, driving etc.
Chloe has grown up - a lot.
and Trent too...
but then so have I - I think.

My testimony has grown in so many ways. I have learned once again that I can do hard things & so can my children. That God will not forsake them. That they don't have to be coddled. I know that they are their own persons. They make their own choices, learn from their mistakes, survive & thrive, and all without their mommy. Before Brian left we spent a lot of time together getting ready for him to go.

When he comes home- I anticipate we will spend a lot of time together again- this time me helping him to get readjusted & ready to go off to college. I can't wait. I'm nervous in some ways. I hear it's hard... coming off a mission. A life filled with service & purpose all the sudden comes to a screeching halt & it's back to real life. Work, school, dating, friends, getting rid of intestinal parasites ... trips home now & then. I'm so glad he went. I'm so glad he has been happy. His emails are incredible. This little boy of mine - he has grown into a man.
From yesterday's email:

I was reading this week in Jesus the Christ about the importance of the atonement and the spirit really bore testimony of the truth and reality of the atoning sacrifice that Christ made for me. He was the only one that could do it and He did it willingly. I feel very special to know that the Savior of all suffered specifically for me, for the love that He has for me. Now it is my time and yours to take advantage of the atonement and do our part. He may have already done the atonement but if we don't repent and maintain ourselves close to His presence and that of our Heavenly Father, the atonement will then become ineffective in our lives.

There is truly NOthing like having a missionary in the family! I love it- and I suppose I will miss it... for a little bit... jack puts in his papers in December.


michelle said...

What? Jack puts in his papers so soon?! I guess your family won't be without those missionary blessings for long...

I am simultaneously dreading and greatly anticipating that day with my own sons.

Beth said...

It was hard to read this post... so many mixed feelings. I am very afraid of this day, but excited and happy too. I am not sure I have the faith to survive the "heart wrenching" but knowing it gets better by the 100th day count down helps. I am anxious for Jack too... it brings our day so much closer to reality though.

Ahhhh emotions they are a killer sometimes!

Johnna said...

You always have just the best way of saying things. He is an amazing missionary and he has an amazing family.

It will not take to long to feel like it was just a heart beat that they were gone.

Have a great day! 100 days! I can hardly believe it.

She Loves To Make said...

Yay! 100 days! I can't believe it is coming to an end so fast but at the same time I feel like he's been gone forever. Can't wait for our family to be all together soon :)

Jill said...

Wow, I can't believe he is down to his last 100 days! It's amazing how those two years can seem long and short at the same time, and yet so much has changed with your family during that time. It's really something!

shannon said...

I'm very excited for you and your family...I feel like I really know you guys...

I can't imagine how giddy I will be when Jake gets back from his mission...(you and I will be in that boat together since Trent and Jake are pretty close in age)...

Karrie said...

Oh man sob sob sob...I don't want Micah to go...but then I do..but at least this makes me feel better about it.

everything pink! said...

i love how much you love your missionary!