Friday, July 17, 2009

holy hot day batman

it is so hot--- 100 today & ya...
more to come
what is it like at your house?


Kim Sue said...

we have had our share of high 90's and 100's but today was glorious with a high in the high 80's! went with some friends to the pool and it was perfect for hanging out! loved it!

shannon said...

What's it like at our house? HELL! Pure HELL, I tell ya!
I almost combusted at one point...

It's these "extra layers" (ahem!) that are killing me slowly! The humidity is almost at 100%...

I hear the crime rate goes up in the summer...I believe it!

Karolynn said...

Yuck and all I have is a swamp cooler. Help!

michelle said...


Unknown said...

we have been blessedly in the high 80s most of this summer. what the?!? granted, it is still humid as all, but it's nice not to get bowled over by heat at 7 am. we've enjoyed some quiet evenings on the porch - usually unheard of this time of year!

Jill said...

I just love the heat. The shine that appears on my face makes me feel beautiful, and I really love having all my under clothing suctioned to my body. It's a good thing I handle the heat so gracefully or I'd probably be obnoxious about it.

Janae said...

Bring it on! Can you tell I grew up in the desert with such a comment?

Rachel said...

Upper 80's - waaaay too hot for us northwestern heat wimps!

Karrie said...

I'm with Janae...bring it you want to go back to everyday of rain and 50's?