Monday, July 6, 2009

the fourth

We headed down to the parade
on main street this year with muffins & orange juice in hand
Lucky for us it's only a block away & we can pretty much get up & go!

The weather was FANTAStic!!
A fourth of July- first- it wasn't burning hot!!!
It couldn't have been better- all day long - perfect.
The weather people say it's over- 90's all week.
It was GREat while it lasted.

Some people are not as cooperative as others in the morning,
if you get my drift?

Jack & who's that with the glow in the dark hair??
ya - he bleached it for the summer.
It's easy to spot him in the crowd - oh to be young again?
The parade starts off with 4 F-16's flying by-

There were floats
and my favorite marching band

Trent was picking up candy being thrown & sharing.
He doesn't really like candy.

Jack looks so tall in this photo-
I think I need to send it to his brother the missionary...
The missionary is about 5'9". He & Jack have been neck & neck their whole lives until... puberty hit Jack & he sky rocketed. Whenever I send pictures to the missionary he thinks jack MuSt be standing on his tippy toes... nope. He is going to be ticked off for sure when he gets home to see jack is over 6 ft. now- that is unless he has grown down there in Chile?

Kristy & Jake were in the parade!
Trent was looking for them the whole time.

After the parade we went to the carnival-- also just blocks away.
We ate pizza & shaved ice in the park- voted for our favorite quilt in the quilt show, saw some local entertainment, Trent toured a fire truck! Thanks fire man.
We went home, took naps, the company went shopping,
then we had a BBQ & fireworks.
I guess I was burned out tired on photos- I quit after the park.
It was a GREAT fourth!
Summer feels like it is finally here!


She Loves To Make said...

Holy cow! Your fourth looked like so much fun but I can't get over Seth's hair!!! I can't believe you had such great weather. It usually is miserably hot! Glad you guys had fun!

Kristy said...

Fun times....I love the 4th. I would much rather watch than be in it! I really missed watching it this year.

Anonymous said...

Love that first photo, Dear! Too bad I didn't have a "bucket of chicken" on my lap instead of TWO CONTAINERS of MUFFINS!!! Hey, hey, hey! B

Kari Sweeten said...

Joy's Hope lives near you? I have talked to her online but now I am wondering if I know her in person?! I can't believe that is Seth, it doesn't even look like! Thanks for sharing your festivities it makes me miss the traditions there.

Karolynn said...

I love Centerville 4th of July! We always come home from camping so we don't have to miss anything. Yummy looking muffins!

Jill said...

I'm glad you had such great weather, though in the 90s is too hot for me!

We never go to parades, but when I look at your pictures I find myself wanting to go.

Karrie said...

THis was such a great day and juice and muffins to boot? What a great thing!!! Hope you survived it all...looks like fun!!

jakenapril said...

fun times, fun times. super quilt...parades and marching bands...trent doesn't really like candy?...and two snaps and around the world for such great weather on the 4th. yay! great post, patsy! oh, and happy early birthday! :D

michelle said...

You have a favorite marching band? Trent doesn't like candy? what the?

I'm not really a parade girl, but maybe if it was just a block away...

We had a fly-by with some F16s and I thought Eva was truly going to have a breakdown.

shannon said...

Sounds like a great day!

I always have high hopes for the fourth of july and it always fizzles out...we don't have celebrations like you guys seem to in Utah...

One of the best 4th of july celebrations I've been to was in Richfield, Ut...there was a parade and then a cute little fair in the park...