Wednesday, July 22, 2009


(driving up to the copper mine- that's it- that huge mountain)
Today Brett & I took the cub scouts to Kennecott Copper Mine.
I have been wanting to go on this field trip ever since the second I was made a cub scout leader! I have always wanted to see the copper mine- but for one reason or another- whenever the kids went here on school field trips, I couldn't go.
It's one of the largest mines in the world & I think, the largest man made thing you can see from outer space- it's an open pit mine & it's incredible.

NOtice the railing!?
I did not get nervous, or upset, or have a panic attack or anything like that... here. #1 Because there is a railing. #2 because there is a lot of ground before the mine goes straight down. I did warn the scouts that I have issues with heights... and not to even pretend to go over the railing OR they would see me freak out completely- they were perfect.

See that little dump truck down there?
It's not so little- in fact the tires alone are 12' 6" high!
That truck is as big as a HOUSE.

You can kind of see little specs down at the bottom in this picture- those are HUGE trucks too. That kind of gives you an idea of how large this mine is & what an amazing place this is- I loved it. There is a lot of artifacts & a great view area, plus a visitors center with a really good film about the mine & it's history.
In fact - this mine produces 8,000 tons of copper a DAY.

Trent found this model train- one of his favorite parts of the visitor's center.

Brett was great enough to take the afternoon off & go with me. My other leader is on vacation. Brett wanted to go too- I'm not sure he wanted to go with nine cub scouts, but he did- thanks sweetie.
The views of the Salt Lake valley were stunning on the way down from the mine. I wish these pictures could do them justice...

This was our Big field trip for the summer.
We were gone four hours & stopped on the way home for Arctic Circle ice cream cones- really fun. Next month we are touring our local Dairy Queen. I know the owner & that pretty much makes me a celebrity...
On the way home one of the boys remarked that there was a car from Idaho following us- I knew it was just a coincidence but he kept bringing it up. Finally, I told them that if they promised not to tell- I would let them in on a little secret. I told them that I was an FBI agent & that, that car could be the KGB. They promised not to tell anyone, since I told them I could get shot. One boy started snickering right away (smarty pants), later in the trip when one of them asked if Trent knew my secret- I confessed that I was just pulling their legs. One of the boys said- "patsy, I really thought you were serious!" I told him "that's why I love being a scout leader."
What other group of people anywhere would have believed me?
gotta love it.


michelle said...

Patsy, you are just hilarious! I love that you love being a Scout leader. I so do not. This really looks like a cool field trip for those boys.

She Loves To Make said...

You're too funny. I remember believing that you invented fry sauce (secret sauce) and that McDonald's paid you $25,000 every year for the recipe! Fun field trip!

jakenapril said...

i'm still laughing about the fbi agents and the kgb. you are hilarious!
i love that brett wore his scout uniform--so official. i haven't been to the mine but it is definitely 'unbelievable' or so i hear. thanks for letting me visit via your blog post.
when is the dairy queen tour?!? that sounds fun!
yes, you are a celebrity! aren't you?!?

Karolynn said...

FBI? You are so funny! Those cub scouts are so lucky to have you! I love the copper mine! My parents live right off that road to the east right before you get to the mine. I love the views driving home, especially at night. I am glad you had a great time!

Jill said...

I'm so impressed that you took 9 scouts on a 4 hour field trip!! You are ambitious, brave and fun!

I've never been to the mine before, but it looks like a cool place to go. If I ever feel like being a fun, tourist-in-my-own-town mom (like I aspire to be) we'll have to go there.

Marie said...

Dairy Queen, huh..I must be a celebrity with ya. I also know them...

What a great leader you are..

Janae said...

you are the best scout leader i have ever heard of...hands down! This is a serious field trip...four hours? wow!
The pictures you got are fantastic! what a gorgeous view:)

Kim Sue said...

you know the owner of a Dairy Queen? you rock!