Thursday, July 2, 2009

31 for july

1. my birthday is this month
2. that means emotional highs & lows because I am such a weirdo
3. brett just read that sentence & smiled- he knows me so well.
4. I dreamt last night that the missionary was coming home
5. I was waiting for him at the airport
6. missing him now
7. he is doing well, but was sick last week
8. he wrote in his email that they thought he may have the "swine fever"
9. he doesn't- but was given a "big shot" in the rear & some meds?
10. I guess it really is everywhere!
11. Even though he is still a missionary,
12. he was called to be a Branch President (leader of a small congregation)
13. more than a month ago.
14. he asks us to pray for him all the time
15. my advise is always -to be kind- he is so young, but I know he has the Holy Ghost & the priesthood with him.
16. He lives in a city called Los Lagos & will probably stay there until he comes home...
17. In 142 days
18. there is some real tough stuff going on in our extended family...
19. things I have promised not to blog about.
20. it's hard, really hard & sad.
21. my family are talkers, brett's family is private, we are very different that way.
22. everyone thinks I am a loud mouth- (shoot, even my own family)
23. I guess they are right-
24 I mean, hey- here I am writing my thoughts randomly & posting them on the Internet.... truth hurts.
25. well, not really
26. I've accepted my loud mouth status for some time now.
27. my sister & her family are coming tomorrow & spending the weekend with us. My nephew Marcus gets married next Saturday.
28. I'm excited for the fourth & hope it doesn't rain during our small town festivities.
29. It is raining today
30. Nice & cool & beautiful--- 60 degree weather.
31. What in the world is going on in Utah this year?


michelle said...

I can't imagine being called to be branch president while on a mission! Wow wow. I'd want your prayers as well!

So sorry about your extended family woes. When I can't blog about something, it tends to seem bigger and even worse than it is, because I don't get that release and reassurance that comes from getting it out there and getting feedback.

Seriously weird Utah weather! (I like it.)

wende said...

i also have tried to embrace my loud mouth. i've tried quashing it, but that never works, so i'm on to embracing it. we'll see how that goes...i'll let you know.

i love imaginging brian as the branch pres, he's doing so great, i'm sure. i can't believe it's almost time for him to come home. wow. "be kind" is the best advise, for almost all situations.

Holly said...

Wow you have a lot of BIG things going on.

Sorry you can't really blog about some things, I know it could be theraputic--do you keep a journal? Maybe you could write through your thoughts that way

Could you please send 60 degree weather my way?!?! I'm melting! We're in the high 90s.

Holly said...

Forgot to say Happy 4th!

Makes me think of your cute & patriotic button pillow.

Kristy said...

Great list! I am more of an open person like you than private....well on some things.

We missed you last night hope you a great 4th! It was fun to see you today!

shannon said...

As always, I love your lists...

I, too, am a very open person...(My husband is the POLAR opposite from me...he's so dang private...and never gives any details!

So it makes it extra hard when things come up that I can't share openly...

I'm a loud mouth. I always stress after I've been in a social situation if I've said the wrong thing or offended someone...(I guess that probably isn't the time to worry about it, right?)

Hope the weather cooperated with your 4th of July celebration...

Kim Sue said...

Hope you guys had a nice 4th...and I wish we could have some weird Mississippi weather because it is just dry and hot here much like what it always is when July hits!

Jill said...

So far I'm not mental about my birthday this year, how are you fairing?

Wow, to Brian being the mission president!! What a huge responsibility. I'm sure college, dating, marriage, job hunting and parenthood will be a breeze after that.

I'm sorry you guys have hard stuff going on.