Wednesday, October 1, 2008

31 for october

1. October is one of my favorite months.
2. Maybe my favorite... I think it's the combination of Conference weekend at the beginning of the month & Halloween at the end.
3. I am so thankful I didn't break my ankle in the winter! can you imagine that- dragging this boot in the snow? UGH!
4. The only other time I've ever broken a bone was when Jack was a baby.
5. I stubbed my pinkie toe on the vacuum cleaner (that was sitting in front of the closet?) at 2:00 AM.
6. I bent down to grab it & it was sticking out at a 45 degree angle from my foot.
7. Brett was working the night shift. I called in a panic.
8. I had to go into the ER immediately-
9. They gave me a shot then "popped" it back in & taped it up.
10. I had on my one piece- zip up- Mickey Mouse pj's- I couldn't get them off over the toe.
11. I wore a long coat.
12. My sister lived close at the time & came to sit with the kids.
13. I took the tape off after a week or so.
14. Three weeks later...
15. I did it AGAIN
16. repeat the story over again except this time I told them not to waste time giving me the shot.
17. I wore the tape the whole 5 weeks.
18. Sometimes... I learn things the hard way.
19. I wear shoes around the house.
20. or at least flip flops/slippers.
21. I don't like to walk around bare foot anymore.
22. I think I need a pair of really cute boots from Eddie Bauer now for ankle/emotional support ;)
23. My sweet friend Karen has come to my house two weeks in a row & cleaned my bathrooms.
24. I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude from this
25. to the point I don't even know what to say or do to show my gratitude.
26. We have 3 bathroom & 3 boys living here
27. and multiple male guests - if you get my drift?
28. It's a REAL BIG service people.
29. I want to eat an Arctic Circle hamburger kids meal with fries & diet coke everyday.
30. I don't.
31. Every Year I think I'm going to dress up as a witch and hand out donuts on Halloween- but I never do it- This year as part of my -more meaningful way of living (I'm laughing out loud) that's my goal for October! Should I be a scary witch or a nice witch?


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I remember when you broke your toe on the vacuum and I still think of you sometimes when I am vacuuming... I love October, I just love the change in season and the cool weather without being too cold.

Holly said...

Fabulous 31!
I love love love this month! You should be a nice Glenda witch this year! I'll be by for donuts :)

Janae said...

October is a great month.
I can't believe the toe story...twice! so painful...
How wonderful of Karen to be such a thoughtful friend...a very terrific service for sure:)

Karrie said...

Wow Karen is so great to do that for you...almost make the ankle thing worth it right??? I think you should be a good witch that looks scary.

Kristy said...

Great list! I can't wait until Halloween to come and get a donut.

Stacie said...

I think you should definitely dress-up!! I STILL remember the days my mom dressed up on Halloween to answer the door and pass out candy! She was so cool! Maybe I will take your lead and dress up myself!! My kids would think I was cool! :)

Jill said...

Your broken toe story is giving me the willies for sure! I broke my pinkie toe in high school and can still remember how painful it was hobbling around that summer, plus that toe is still fatter than the other one.

Your friend is so sweet to come clean your house AND to do the bathrooms. What's the deal with boys anyway? You'd think they'd have the best aim of all, yet they seem to make the most bizarre pee-related messes I've ever seen. I sometimes think I need to call in the CSI team to recreate the event so I could have an explanation as to how the pee got where it did!

But I digress...

wende said...

my SIL jenny thinks that she could be a millionare off of a quick dna kit that a mom could use to swab the pee and then scold the boy who put it there! she has four boys, and no girls, so you see how it is.

i love your lists. i think you need a pair of those cute ugg boots for ankle support - and toe protection!

wende said...

oh ya, karen is AWESOME!

crystal said...

Hi, gimpy! Sounds like you're doing better. Poor ankle. I love October, too.

Have a great conference weekend.

I'm totally with ya on the Arctic Circle kids meal. Yum!

Carrie said...

You totally need to dress up as a scary witch. Mrs. Flannery has Glenda down so it is taken. I dress up every year as a witch so that I can do my makeup like I really want it and it is the only day all year that really ratty big hair is totally cool!and make Robbie dress up. I LOVE it!!!

michelle said...

I was just about dying over your one-piece Mickey Mouse pjs! Can't believe it happened again. I broke my big toe once and it's never been the same since.