Thursday, October 9, 2008

felling better

1. scrubbed the floor
2. made a pie
3. two loads of laundry
4. made my bed
5. got trent off to school
6. made meatloaf/put it in the fridge for later tonight
7. then- got to theraputic thursday & all before 11:00...but forgot to take a photo- dang it!! somethings never change


Jill said...

You're a seasoned blogger, how is it that you forgot to take pictures??

I'm impressed with your productivity, you even made a pie?!

Karrie said...

BEST pie EVER! and best day of the week I love theraputic Thursday too!!

wende said...

it was such a yummy pie, i'm so impressed with all you were able to get done this morning - i love productivity! it feels so good! of course, it made my day to hang out with you guys, and i meant to take a photo today and forgot too. what's up with that? i guess i'm too busy talking.

Beth said...

I really need a theraputic girls day... sounds so fun! And pie, right up my alley! Yum! You make really good pies!

I love your productivity... I might have to follow suit and get something out of the freezer and make a yummy dinner tonight.

Get your camera out... we are in need of some kid pictures again soon! We miss them!

michelle said...

There's nothing like crossing things off my to-do list to make me feel better! Seriously impressive that you did all that before 11:00.