Thursday, October 2, 2008

therapeutic thursday

So every thursday since school started us blogger moms have been getting together to work on projects & have a little lunch & gab time. It's been great for me- for all of us. So great in fact that we are calling our day- Therapeutic Thursday- cute huh?
Kristy, Janae & I have been working on the Sally Foster Fundraiser- sale starts tomorrow (we are in charge for the elementary school.) Wende was doing conference kits & karrie every week has been organizing family photos & putting them into books- amazing- I really need to do that.... Today I was in charge of lunch & brought roasted tomato soup & stuff for paninis.
Then Wende had a fabulous pumpkin pie & whipped cream for Lauri's birthday Saturday- happy birthday Lauri!! Wende took a cute picture but I'm way to lame to remember to do that!!!??

(E- sneaking drinks from Lauri's soda- hee hee)
Ethan & I had a fantastic time playing "tiny nemo." This little guy is darling & really improved my bad morning mood. I am learning that my mood is directly related to my taking/forgetting to take ibuprofen in the morning. gotta remember that. I'm down to 2 in the morning & sometimes 2 in the afternoon- not bad!?

(McGruff just wouldn't stand still for the picture!)

I had to leave early & hobble over to see the State PTA road trip assembly at one of the schools in my council. It was great- they had this amazing magician do a show on "real magic." He was fantastic & talked about how "real magic" is being an example, kind to others, keeping healthy, seeking wise adults and more. He had the kids completely captivated. It was great to see the state PTA in action & meet the executive board.

Later today I drove ballet carpool, taking Trent & his neighbor buddy who also has asperger's with me & letting them play at the park while we waited. It is quite the scene watching two asperger kids play... I found myself wanting to explain to the other family at the park-- hey they have asperger's, the rest of the family is normal, really... I resisted. They are just so different the way they play. They weren't being bad, it's just odd. I'm just keepin it real, man.

Two different times I had to rush (hobbling & rushing isn't a good thing) them each to a bathroom for quick relief. Max was with us too- he steers completely clear from them. I told them, he's scared of you guys. No quick jerking movements, loud sounds, just be quiet & gentle. Max won't have a thing to do with either one of them. He's not a snob, he's just not sure about the two of them, especially together.

We came home & Hailey had made Taco Salad for dinner- YAE HAILEY- that made my day. We had a nice family dinner, watched the Vice Presidential debate, I did the dishes, made visiting teaching apptoinments, replied to some emails, & finished my October card club cards. Now Chloe & I are up doing homework & listening to Utah play Oregon state. Utah just won.

-Busy Day-


Janae said...

Another great Thursday...we missed you when yo left though:)
That picture of Ethan is so stinkin cute! Wow he loves his soda:)

Kristy said...

Fun day!!!! Now we will see if I have a voice in the morning.....I think I yelled just a little too much tonight at the game!

Karrie said...

Wow...I would have liked to be at the park to see the events...Ace could have come.

We missed you after you left...but you didn't miss anything..just some gross discussion about boys and bathrooms...Janae was totally disgusted...and a little grateful about having all girls.

Holly said...

Your post made me tired just reading it!

Go Utes!

Tiffany said...

I hope you are doing better, it sounds like you are doing a lot! Thanks for the advice for Carston, I just had to explain to him what his day would be like if he didn't go to school, it wasn't a cure all, however staying home was no longer what he wanted! I am so excited for Sally Foster!

Karolynn said...

You are so busy! Go Hailey for making Taco Salad, she is the best!

wende said...

we were sad you had to leave - ethan especially. after you left he kept asking me, "a passy go?". you're easy to love, even in a grumpy morning mood! :) i thought the debate was good, i was expecting a car wreck but it was good. i think you need some video of the boys playing together. plus, i'm dying to see the "interview" that brian and jack made with him.

Kim Sue said...

Oh, I could so use one of your group Thursdays! Sounds like a great day - Hope you enjoyed it!

michelle said...

Therapeutic Thursday is brilliant. And I totally laughed when you said "just keepin it real, man"! That's what I love about you, Patsy.