Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This Guy Can't Stand The Wait

Well, the stake president told Brian the earliest the papers could come would be today. So, Brian just knew they would come today- and we are so dissapointed. Frankly, we could use some good news- or at least something else to focus on after the past few days. Where we live calls usually come on Wednesday & the post office will call you at home when they get there in the morning between 6:00-6:30 so you can pick them up there. All of Brian's close friends spent the night in the back yard & megan came home. By 6:00 Brett, Brian & I were sitting on pins & needles. No call- maybe next week. When you've been anticipating something all your life another week feels like eternity.Of all our children, Brian hates to wait most of all. Even on Christmas he gives everyone their presents as soon as he brings them home. Maybe he is learning patience. Hope this lesson doesn't last too long.


PaD said...

Hey Patsy, I thought I'd send you some good news. Dad sent the family birthday presents yesterday. They should be there in time for your birthday. Now you'll have two things to look for in the mail.

PaD said...

Patsy, I started my blog. How do I have people be able to come visit. I want it to be just family so I said invited friends only. Now, I can't find where to add them. Thanks, Mom

patsy said...

Wow- birthday presents early!! Yae- I am excited!!- registration is next week for Hailey & Jack big and that is bucks$$. As far as inviting people just email people & give them your blog address. I would be sure to tell them it is private because anyone can put your address on theirs- then it wouldn't be private. Thanks for posting!

Hailey said...
