Brett was up until midnight then up at six getting ready for scout camp.Camp is such a huge undertaking.Luckily he has a lot of good help.Brett has been the YM president for a couple of years now.The boys say they hate it because their dad makes them do things they don't want to do, mainly participate.If he wasn't involved he wouldn't know what was going on, then they could slack off more.It's so hard being a teen with an involved father.Brian is not in YM anymore so he is not going-gotta work.
Trent is taking a basketball class through the city rec. program MWF @9:00AM.Right after he has an archery class.It has been really good for him, especially with so much energy so early.Can you imagine Trent in archery?If you are feeling low or hating your job today~just think, at least your not hiking five miles & camping with 14-17 year olds & you don't teach archery to 8-12 year olds.Thankfully there are those who can & are willing to do it.I suppose it could be a lot of fun. But trust me, after getting a crabby teenager out the door- I don't envy his father.
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