Tuesday, July 31, 2007

In A Pickle

The last three or four years I have been making dill pickles. Karen's mom taught me how & we LOVE them. This year I didn't plant any pickling cucumbers for various reasons- good intentions didn't pan out- so I figured Nalley's were just going to have to do. But this morning Karen dropped off these, so lucky me, I'm pickling. They really are easy & we love them. This is the first of about four batches- which should be around 30 quarts if I'm lucky. So tonight as you are out on the town or whatever your'e doing~ think of me, elbow deep in cucumbers! Which is better than this!

1 comment:

PaD said...

These pickles look good. I wish I knew an easy way to make dill pickles. The only ones I've ever made that were good were those 14 day sweet pickles I use to make. You're getting so good at this blog thing. Love all your photos.