Thursday, July 5, 2007

Outer Darkness

I think I have found out what Hell is. Being in a car with your family on an extended car trip. I am being dramatic for those of you who are judging now. In our family the older boys cannot be together for more than 30 seconds without discussing bodily functions & past ones. Of course, I can't help but laugh (loud) at them which keeps it going. Trent has such a hard time sitting still- Brian was driving & he kept yelling up to him- Brian pull over I want to go for a walk! I tried to quilt my lap quilt, it's almost done but that was a big mistake. What was I thinking? I forgot my camera cord & I have dozens of great pictures from the 4th. I will post them on Saturday. check out my PG-13 funny quote for the day. :)


PaD said...

Sounds like you had a good time.

Do you remember the year we went on that long trip and you and Ruthie drew people or faces on your toes and did a little show for the people driving behind us. That was so fun. Did I ever tell you I loved the card you made and sent to dad. Beautiful. Uncle Fred is here now. He's leaving early tomorrow morning to take off for Louisiana. He's wore out. He needs to stop and rest at night but he's as stubborn as your dad.

I enjoy your blog very much. Love ya lots!! Mom

patsy said...

I do remember the toe thing I had totally forgotten about that. I didn't make the card~it was from my card swap though. Hope all is well at your new house!I'm glad you check the blog. I am having a lot of fun with it.