Monday, July 2, 2007

Little Miracles

Yesterday I got an email reminding me that I was supposed to bring an item for auction to the family reunion that we are going to on the 4th. It was just 3 1/2 days away at that point. So I got some material together and made a little lap quilt. I pieced it on the Sabbath-eeek. But machine quilted it today. I had to be at the fabric store as the doors opened to get some filling & a back. The only things left to do are some hand stitching & binding- which I will do in the car. It's a ways away.
Okay I have 10 million things to do & last week at a R.S. service auction I gave a basket of ironing. Well, guess what, the basket showed up today so add that to the list. Even though it has been a busy day it feels great to get things done & even something creative- just what I needed.
Just now as I have been posting this Brett came in from the backyard with something in his hand.An apricot!! Our apricot tree was absolutely loaded this year with fruit until we went to NY in the spring. While we were there, a big snow storm hit at home. When I got back I went out to check on the tree & sure enough all of the tiny fruit had withered up and was falling off.I have been so sad not to have apricots. Apricot freezer jam is our favorite and some years I make tons. Oh well- I am happy to have this little miracle.


Beth said...

Patsy, Good News!
Our Ward get's to go pick Apricots at the Church Farm on Sat. and they allow us to gleen anything that is on, or hits the ground.
I was going to learn how to make Apricot Jam to add to my repetoir of canning this year... so I will trade you Apricots for a good jam recipe.
You can take them home with you when you come through on Sunday.
God is Good isn't he!
Hugs, Beth

patsy said...

Hurray! I will bring my recipe. Thanks beth see you Sunday.
Love you~patsy