Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rough Night

It was a rough night. After fireworks chloe had a stomach ache.I have been worried about this for a week.Everyone in the neighborhood has had this terrible stomach virus-except us & the Johnson's.Well, last night our luck ran out.I've heard it goes through whole families- and it's BAD.Poor chloe, she threw up every hour on the half hour until 4:30 AM when I woke up Brett who woke up Brian & they gave her a blessing.After that she slept until around 7:00 ( I think) & it happened again. She wanted to sleep downstairs on the couch-she was so sick so I slept on the love seat- or tossed & turned between episodes.Max laid right next to her the whole night or at least until 2:30 AM when I AM NOT LYING I heard heaving jumped up & you guessed it Max was throwing up.I threw him out the back door as fast as I could but it was too late. The deed had been done~he must have swallowed a toy or something I will spare you the details.Thankfully after a night like that Brett worked from home until he got Trent off to basketball & archery, made hailey get up & lay on the love seat while I went & slept for an hour.Chloe is feeling loads better now.The good news-I'm definately not going anywhere today so maybe I can finish this quilt I keep putting off.


Donna Lynn said...

I'm reading your blog. You don't know me but I feel I know you because Beth talks of you so often. I also had the pleasure of knowing the business side of Brett.

Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. Some days I don't get to it but then I do catch up. Today I saw your note "Is anyone reading..." SO, don't stop. Your blog makes me feel everything will be right in the world. Take care and hope you get some sleep tonight.

Donna Lynn said...

Oh yeah... I'm Beth's sister, Lynn (in Seattle). I started my blog but you and Beth put me to shame. Who knew she could be such an inspirational writer. Reading was not one of her favorite subjects so who knew she could write. Goes to show they don't go hand in hand. I tease her a lot about the reading because I was the one when she was 18 that made her read so she could graduate and she was really kicking and screaming. She's the best sis ever!

patsy said...

Wow~I am so glad you posted you made my day.I agree Beth IS the best I feel lucky to have her in our family!

PaD said...

Sorry you had that yuk at your house. Fred had it 2 days before getting here and he thought he was going to die.

That is such a cute photo of Chloe and Max.

Well, I hope the rest of you don't get that stuff. I hope you get a good nights rest tonight.