Tuesday, January 26, 2010

serious fun-

Thank you Kristy for having a birthday in January!
It has been a long long time - well since Karrie's birthday- that I have gone out at 1:00 AM to decorate some one's house with posters, balloons & streamers.
January is a great time to do something like this- you know... it's so darn cold & not much going on. Well not until your birthday! Between the decorating & planning your special surprise day- it's been a blast.
It's been since last creative days since I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants.

happy birthday
You are easy to love, thoughtful & so much fun to be around
I'm sorry we woke up Kelly. It wasn't my fault. I wasn't the one who kept trying to throw crepe paper in your basket ball hoop & missing & i wasn't the one who almost slipped on the ice on your driveway then caught themselves & I wasn't the one shuffling slowly back to the car to prevent wetting her pants--
but I was laughing.
I couldn't help it.
Laughter is the best medicine- so they say... but I think it's laughing & friendship.
I'm glad I've got both


Jill said...

Happy Birthday to Kristy!! You girls are so fun to go do this at 1:00am! I can just imagine you all being "quiet" out there as you laughed and slipped and nearly peed! What a great gift for Kristy!

michelle said...

This is so cute! I can just picture the whole thing. Friendship is such a great gift, isn't it?

shannon said...

What great friends you are...I could use a good pants wetting laugh session right about now!

Happy Birthday, Krisy!

wende said...

and the person who did most of that, shall remain nameless. :) especially the slipping on the ice part.

oh man, my stomach hurt for days after that, all because of the laughing.

and you forgot to add in kristal's photos! seriously, she was half the reason for my achy stomach muscles.

Kristy said...

Thanks so much!!! You guys have made turning 40 really NICE!!!!

Everyone followed the directions and HONKED a whole lot all through the day on Monday even after the sign was taken down.

Thanks so much!!!! :)

Janae said...

You guys had too much fun! The signs all look awesome:) good job!

Karrie said...

I was in total control of my bodily functions until the basketball hoop issue...good times!!!