Thursday, January 21, 2010

it's thursay

* yes the blogger moms still meet on thursdays!
* it continues to be great therapy :)
* My MIL's doctor told us that people who get together regularly with friends live healthier, longer lives. I believe it.
* Brett is in Seattle
*I'm GREEn with envy- even though he is only there for an afternoon.
* On his flight to Sacramento yesterday it was so turbulent they had to turn around & people were throwing up... so. glad. i. wasn't. on. that. plane! EVen happier all is well.
* Jack's Visa papers go in today.
* He has been working like crazy & rarely home. soon we will be shopping for a suit, white shirts (short sleeve- lucky guy!), heavy duty shoes, etc.
* I am so excited for him- Brazil is going to love him!
* Hailey got the most amazingly cute haircut Monday night!!!
* she is resistant to me taking a photo & posting it- teenagers!?
* it's short & cute & you are gonna love it.
* Chloe nearly quit piano last month... drama. her awesome-fabulous teacher talked her out of it. fewww! She's got so much talent... again- teenagers!
* it has been rain/snow mix all week & the air is CLEAN - ahh I can breathe!


Johnna said...

Unless things have changed I wouldn't go too expensive on the suit. Marcus wore his a total of 3 times I think, on the way there, once for a meeting and on the way home.....:)

Linda said...

You are sooo fortunate to meet with the blogger moms weekly. In this day and age, it's a rarity.

I'm glad I wasn't on that plane either. I get motion sickness so easily.

Can't wait to see Hailey's new haircut. She just seems like the SWEETEST girl!

michelle said...

I am convinced that people who get together with friends regularly are happier, if not healthier as well! I know I am.

michelle said...

p.s. SO glad about the clean air, too!!

Jill said...

I wish you would document your Blogger Mom Thursdays more often so we could see all the good stuff you're working on and eating.

I totally agree that getting together regularly with friends is good for me!

How awful to be on such a horrendously turbulent flight, gross.

I want to see Hailey's haircut, please, please, please Hailey!!

I'm so glad Chloe didn't end up quitting piano! She would have regretted it her whole life!

I am so happy to have clean air again!

Unknown said...

I really am glad I was not on Brett's flight!!!

I want to see Hailey's new haircut...sounds so cute!

I hope blogger day helps me live longer.

wende said...

love hailey and i'm going to have to invite her over this weekend just so i can see her new hair!

if i had been on that flight, it wouldn't have mattered whether or not it crashed, i would've died from cardiac arrest. no thank you.

i would've cried REAL tears if chloe had quit piano - jill is right, she would regret it all her life!

and really, i already know it's true that getting together once a week has helped me be healthy - but i think it's guaranteeing that my FAMILY lives longer. :)

Karrie said...

Best Day ever!!!

Love you