Sunday, January 3, 2010

it finally caught me....

after successfully dodging the stomach flu bug last summer & this past fall-
it finally got me last night.
oh my goodness.
Nothing helps the flu misery than getting on my blog & seeing 13 comments! WOW- it's been forever since I had that many comments :)
thankfully I'm feeling lots better & looking forward to getting back to a routine tomorrow.
Sad to say Chloe got it too. we all stayed home from church- all. Brett felt like it was better to keep everyone in than spread it, that is just in case anyone else is next. School & work start up again tomorrow with Hailey, Jack & Brian still dodging the bullet. I just hope & pray they don't get it.

I thought I would answer some of the questions from my last post.
Yes- in the afternoon on Christmas day the boys were wrestling- you wouldn't believe how much wrestling has gone on in this house in the last month since brian got home- jack went to give brian the dreaded nurple purple... brian grabbed his finger & pulled it backwards and broke it. Yes I was mad, jack was mad, brian called him a baby- jack used some profanities. It was not nice. Just keepin it real.
Kim Sue mentioned that it seems our house is anything but quiet. she is exactly right. YEs, it is mostly in a good way- but I guess that is what I wanted- a house full of kids= loud. My sweet nephew who is the youngest in his family & spent a couple weeks here every summer growing up- would frequently get a headache the first day here. It has definitely slowed down & is not as loud as it used to be & frankly- I'm loving it & it is good for trent. Wrestling & nurple purples have been banned.

For Christmas I got this book- which I love, love, love!

and this.... fresh herbs have already sprouted in the office!

and a new fondue pot- somehow my old one is missing?
and my yearly book from the kids. I wish we would have gotten a picture of that- darn.

* do you know what a nurple purple is?
the first person to guess it right in the comment section is getting a PRIZE
I'm sure you don't believe me, because my last set of prizes haven't gone out yet...
So those of you who guessed jack's mission call are getting $5 gift cards this week- there were SIX of you!! good job!


michelle said...

I have absolutely no clue what a nurple purple is!

I am so sorry about the sickness, there's nothing like the stomach flu, nothing. (We all got it right after we returned from Paris and we lost an entire week.)

That book is one I want to check out!

Brittany Gilson said...

A nurple purple is where you grab a person's nipple and twist. Right?

Kristy said...

Yep....Brittany is right except at my house my boys call it a titty twister until I get mad at them.

I hope you feel better and so does Chole!!

School tomorrow.....YIPPEE!!!

wende said...

a purple nurple is what they're called at my house, and let's just say, if someone tried to give me one, i would beat the crap out of them. jack's lucky brian only broke his finger, i would do much worse than that. :) like your house, they have been banned here as well, because, yikes, they're awful.

hope you and chloe feel better soon. sorry you got the bug!

Marie said...

haha, the guys in my hubbys fam do it all the time. I hope the finger is feeling better.

She Loves To Make said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! I hope you're feeling better today!

Anne said...

I agree with Wende, Jack is lucky he got away with only a broken finger.

I have five kids (I'am commenting on this and last post) 9,7,5,3,&1 1/2 I understand how loud a house can be. I'm just thankful to know thats normal. hehehe

I'm sorry your sick. Never fun.

I like your idea of Valentine Cards. Antoinette & Brad Redford
13307 SE 168th ST, Renton, WA 98058
I'm signing up.

AND I don't know about you guys, but getting up this morning for school. Yikes. I miss sleeping in.


Jill said...

I'm so sorry you got the stomach flu! That's grim. We've been really fortunate with our health and haven't had any sickness except for a random fever for the kids.

I a purple nurple a titty twister? It sounds painful no matter what, especially with it ending in a broken finger.

Beth said...

Yep they are purple nurple's aka titty twisters at our house too? I a curious how you carry out the ban?
I ban wrestling, and purple nurple's, but I am outnumbered by boys at my house, so they just blow me off.
I am SOOO OVER wrestling at my house!!!
Hmmm I wonder if it would help to break fingers or legs around here? Let me know if the broken bone slows things down at all??? I might try it. I have tried every thing else.

Karrie said...

I can't eve comment on the nurple purple...but I can say the broken finger was well deserved!!!

Sorry you got sick...hopefully you feel better now.

jakenapril said...

sheesh! i actually had to google nurple purple as i had no idea what it was...then realized that we called them something different in my neck of the woods (oregon) growing up. anywhozerz...can i put an order in for a quilt seeing as how i'm craftily and sewingly challenged?!? hope you're on the mend today. :)