Monday, November 16, 2009

what a great weekend!

I've been dying to blog about this past weekend for days now...
but I've been so darn busy I just haven't had the time!
so- I'm staying up late- getting it done- if it kills me....
I know I know
This past friday afternoon -
some of the blogger mom's got together & headed out of town.
We went to our dear blogger friend kristal's cabin.
do you remember kristal & the elmo cupcakes?
Kristal is "da bomb"- that's teenager - for really awesome.
She is an honorary blogger mom & guess what? she really blogs!
(serious deep conversation-- notice wende's finger pointing)
The blogger moms started because all us moms were on a community council together for our children's elementary school. One day we realized some of us had blogs- the others were curious ... and the rest is history. we had been on the council for over a year & had debated many issues, worked on projects, but weren't really close friends until the blogging started. We have been close ever since. it's funny because we are all so different, each of us brings something different to the group.

(kristy drove- she's got 4 wheel drive & snow was expected!)
I of course, bring car sickness & panic so I got to sit up front on the way.
Yes- I get car sick.
Well not really sick...
I just get really panicky & almost freak out & go crazy if I get stuck in the back of a car...
It's not pretty- but someone has to be the weird one.
I do what I can.

We headed up to Park City to do a little Christmas shopping at the outlet mall.
we bought a lot of stuff!
Typically I am not an outlet mall kind of gal, but the deals were unbelievable!
seriously- I would tell ya about it but that would give away a lot of Christmas surprises. i was sure glad we came- as my Christmas budget will go much further this year- Woo HOoo!
Some grandma lady told wende she was a sexy "B" word while she was trying on boots in a shoe store. First we were in utter shock, then we laughed so hard the rest of the night about it that we nearly peed. Seriously who says that... ? and to a perfect stranger? so funny

AFter shopping- we nearly froze to death - it was 19 degrees!!!! 19 - wow was that cold. We had record high temps in the valley last week so this was a blast of arctic proportions that stung. Luckily we made it to the restaurant without slipping on ice or snow- yes there is ice & snow in Park City.
At dinner Kristal showed us the diagram her dad made up on how to turn on the furnace & fireplaces at the cabin- we had a good laugh - until we got there- we were glad she knew what she was doing getting the heat on!

Then Karrie did an impression of me & my lazy eye in photographs & I tried to get a picture of that but she is a coward-

going anywhere with the blogger mom's is so fun & crazy & we laugh loud & talk loud & then notice everyone is looking at us & we don't care. Well at least I don't.

Kristal's family cabin was gorgeous.
we watched movies late
slept in
ate pumpkin waffles
and candy
and played cards
and worried about the snow storm so we had to leave a little early- dang.
(wende all bundled up & snowed on)

Not all of us, but some of us could only stay one night.
It's a good thing we headed out. The snow was getting pretty thick.

It just doesn't seem like it's time for snow.
but I guess it is.
thank goodness kristy drove!

Even though I was sad to leave the mom's I was Thrilled to get home because it was time for our second concert at the symphony!!!
Bravo Broadway
if you know me- you know how much I love Broadway music.
I was so excited for this concert!
IT was amazing!
the voices & the symphony were fabulous

Three big names were there but my program is downstairs so I will fill their names in later.
The lady on the left - she was in Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway
the guy in the middle was the Phantom
and the lady on the right won a Tony a few years back.
their talent was unbelievable
I had goosebumps & was crying- then goosebumps again...
I bawl like a baby every time I hear Bring Him Home from Le Miserable. It's one of my all time favorite songs & favorite shows. I saw it on the program & pulled out the tissue just in time... especially since my own boy will be coming home
oh goodness....
he wrote his last email home & answered the long awaited question:
what do you want for dinner Friday night?
in true Brian fashion he was indecisive... baked potatoes, salad with ranch or maybe burritos or Chinese? there is no chinese or mexican food in chile- definitely rootbeer - he hasn't had rootbeer in two years, brownies & ice cream, homemade rolls.... funny guy.
I have so much to do
so I better get to bed so I can get crackin' in the morning!!
*janae & lauri - we really missed you this weekend it just wasn't the same without you.


Kristy said...

I had a blast this weekend!!! I could not believe all the damage we did at the outlet stores....the deals were great!

Next time we need to go for longer for sure!

I can't believe it is finally the week that Brian comes exciting!!! Can't wait to hear all about it on Friday!

Johnna said...

Don't forget the tissue for Friday!

Love you!

jakenapril said...

oh. my. goodness! what a fun weekend you had. and it was so great to run into you and wende at the outlet you could retell the 'b' story. hilarious! glad you all had fun...and that the missionary is home soon. have a fabulous weekend. like i have to tell you to. ;)

She Loves To Make said...

Next time I see Wende I'll really have to try not to call her a sexy B haha. That's hilarious!

Jill said...

What an awesome weekend! I think Girl's Weekends are so therapeutic, the laughter has got to extend lives!

That picture of you and Wende is so pretty!

What a score to go Christmas shopping and get all those deals! I can't believe that woman called Wende a Sexy B**ch! How funny!

Linda said...

Your blogging moms group sure looks like a wonderful, fun group of friends. You are all so lucky...girlfriends are so important!

Patsy, I remember reading way back that you collect sand from different places. I'm here in Maui and wondered if you'd like me to send you some Maui sand. Just let me know, I'd be happy to!

Your son is coming home this week! I'm so happy for all of you! I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers as I know he will be torn at this point. As much as he will want to be home, I know his heart will be hurting for those he has to leave. I'll be thinking about all of you this week!

Marie said...

Isnt it nice to get away for a day?!

wende said...

oh my gosh! the shopping was incredible! the deals, oh the awesome deals! i think i want to go back for more boots - but i'm a little afraid to try any more of them on! who SAYS that to someone!

i wore my SB boots (rich's name for them) to church on sunday and felt a little dirty.

can't wait for brian to come home! what an awesome week!

Karrie said...

I think Wende should wear the SB boots to Brian's homecoming for sure!!!!

I loved this weekend and I'm so glad you guys made it home safe in all the snow.

Beth said...

I am bawling like a baby reading this post!

A girls get away full of laughter and joy...

a lovely evening with your e.c. full of culture and music....

And the missionary will be home Friday!!

I know, weird to be crying... but I am just sooo dang happy for you! What great times to cherish!!!

crystal said...

What a fun getaway! I love loud, raucous times with friends. And i love the deep talks, too. Wende's pointing finger MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD!!!!

michelle said...

I loved every bit of this. What a great getaway! I was dying over Wende's pointing finger, and her saying that she wore her SB boots to church and felt a little dirty.

Every mom needs time like this with friends.