Saturday, November 28, 2009

eight for friday... wait it's saturday, but feels like a friday

1. last monday was the first real snow of the season. I think I like snow... until March- then snow makes me overwhelmingly angry. 2. After Brian spoke at church about gratitude- we had a light lunch at our house for the load of young adults & teens that wanted to come by to see him.

3. I would've been a complete mess except for so much help from my nieces & wende & brett & my girls... & the blogger moms... so many helpers- thank you!

4. this photo confirms the inevitable... I need to go on a diet in a big way. Please don't anyone send me dieting tips- I know what I need to do- but thanks anyway.
(hailey & friends)

5. The blogger moms brought pots of soup or desserts & saved my bacon (again). Janae brought mint brownies. I've wondered for a while, but now I know Hailey must have been switched at birth... no child of mine would declare they don't LOVE her mint brownies! What in the world?

6. I love that wende brought here kids because I put them right to work- I can boss them around like my own & they were so GREAT! Allie was in charge of rolls & the boys helped with chairs etc.
7. Brittany was here & trent declared her "brittany the school teacher brittany," to help with the multiple brittany dilemma.
8. Our home computer is on the blink- which means I haven't been able to blog much because I have to wait & fight for my turn on my own laptop... aaargh! I hope we can fix it soon, or that school starts or something! It's rough...


Jill said...

I love it that the blogger moms are all so helpful and supportive of each other. Everything must seem so much more manageable when you know you have a great support team behind everything you do!

Karrie said...

What a great talk Brian gave...I'm glad we could help are the BEST!!!!

She Loves To Make said...

The luncheon looks like it turned out great!!! I'm so glad you had lots of help.

Kristy said...

I am so glad we helped you out!!! Looks like you had a ton of people to feed and take care! What a great day!

wende said...

brian gave such a great talk - i'm so glad we were there to share the day with your. i'm glad you love us enough to include us, your house feels like home to me. the luncheon was awesome! everything was so over the top yummy.

and one more thing - that photo is just not super flattering, mostly because the apron is hanging forward a little. you do not look like this in real life! really. and i'm especially sorry, because i didn't notice when i was taking the photo! all i saw were your happy shining faces!

i love you!

michelle said...

Hooray for the blogger moms! That would be totally overwhelming without help, I love when friends step in. Many hands make light work, it's true and it's making me re-think my stance on polygamy... jk.