Friday, November 6, 2009

new month... new list

1. Two weeks from today...
2. the missionary comes home-
3. and goes back to being Brian.
4. He doesn't want to do it-
5. but it is time.
6. The mission home- assistant to the president- called a couple of days ago.
7. Just to make sure we had his travel plans-
8. Ummm-- ya-- we are aware he is coming home!! just a little...
9. He asked me if I wanted to pass on a message to him?
10. my reply-
11. Next time you see him kiss him right on the face as hard as you can & tell him that is from his mother.
12. Do you think he will do it?
13. Two Weeks AGO-
14. Charlie was born.
15. The time is already flying by....
16. I have a couple of Christmas presents for him and I bought fabric for a new quilt-
17. because he needs it- that's why!
18. Chloe has been sick all week-
19. we took her to instacare Sunday night - their diagnosis- a reaction from the flu mist she got on Friday afternoon.
20. Still sick - yesterday- i took her to her doctor because I knew after looking down her throat it was strep...
21. Oink
22. it's swine............................
23. Poor Thing!
24. Low grade fever, tired & achy, headache-
25. I guess I thought H1N1 would be worse. don't get me wrong- she is totally WIPED OUT!
26. She even said- she thought it would be worse, mostly she's just tired. The doctor says- yes it can get worse, turn to pnuemonia etc... I just don't know what I was thinking it would be like with all the media hype?
27. so now-- will we all get it-and even worse?
28. The doctor told us to make sure we all had regular flu shots (it's coming) and forget about the swine flu shot... it's gonna get us probably anyway.
29. not nice.
30. maybe I should go back to bed & rest up? I mean, just in case? You never know....?


Jill said...

Big things are going on in your world!

I hope Chloe gets better quickly!

She Loves To Make said...

Poor Chloe but I'm just hoping you all get the swine flu fast so that it's long gone before Brian's big homecoming!

Karolynn said...

I hope she feels well soon. FYI the first med over by golds gym in bountiful gives the tamiflu. It is amazing if you can get it right away. Janika was sick only 1 day. Carter only bad for 2. Whitney and I were about to die. Love the tamiflu for the piggy flu!

michelle said...

Oh, I hope you are all well before Brian comes home! I met a new grandma in church yesterday and she hasn't been able to see the baby yet because of swine flu concerns, they won't allow any visitors. Sad, huh? At least you didn't have that problem with little Charlie!

Marie said...

Oh, I hope she is feeling better!!

Karrie said...

I'm glad you guys are sick now and not a few weeks ago when Charlie was born. Maybe Brian will get home just in time to take care of everyone.

On the bright side you at least will be done with it for the holidays.