Friday, November 27, 2009

just a great way to start the season- temple square

Tonight we all bundled up & headed into the city for the first day of temple square Christmas lights. We went really early to beat the crowd- and to have time to look around. It's been far too long since we have just wandered around the visitors center.
As we were walking in - I thought- Hey, Stephanie's daughter is on a mission here? Within 10 minutes of looking around- there she was! She was talking to some people so we stuck around & surprised her. What a great sister missionary! She has a darling companion from Las Vegas. I think this is the best mission in the world for sisters & wish my girls could serve here-- but surely they wouldn't get called to their own back yards?!

It was great to be at the visitors center before it got dark. There were so many details on the Nativity scenes that we hadn't noticed in the before.

Wise men traveling from the East.


The stable & the Holy Family.

We enjoyed the films & the Christis statue, all of the many interactive things to do & see in the visitors center.
It was a great opportunity to really think about or Saviour at the beginning of the Christmas season.

We walked through. Trent & I visited the tabernacle. A building the pioneers built to meet in, just outside the temple. It's where the tabernacle choir performs & gets their name.

We went into the Joseph Smith building & to the distribution center (a place to buy scriptures & church literature, pictures etc.) It was beautiful, all decorated for Christmas.

We headed out just 15 minutes before the lights went on to secure our spot.

Trent didn't want to be photographed, but did want his dog Zore to be photographed, "and blogged."

It was cold, but surprisingly warmer than we thought it would be.

and crowded... but worth it.

Especially when the lights came on!

How did you start your Christmas season, or are you still in denial?
This season has snuck up quickly!


Jill said...

That's a darling picture of you and Brett!

I really need to organize an outing to Temple Square for our family. We've been there to see the lights before, but it's silly that we don't make it there every year.

Karrie said...

I'm hoping to get both my parents there this year...what a great experience for Brian to see it in person this year.

She Loves To Make said...

I love the temple square lights! I'm glad you guys got to go right at the start of the Christmas season--start it off right :)
That last picture of you and dad is so cute. It needs to be framed!
Wish we could've been there!

Beth said...

Great way to start off the season! You got some GREAT photos (can I steal one of the Temple for my blog?)... and I agree, the one of you and Brett is the best!

Marie said...

I cant wait to go to Temple Square this year. I love going every year.

Kristy said...

There is no way I could pay Kelly to go downtown for the lights on the first night. We need to make a point going this has been a few years since we have been downtown. What a fun evening!

wende said...

i love that photo of you and brett at the end - so cute! you guys look like you're maybe 30 - how do you do it!?

we are GOING to see the lights this year. last year we tried over and over and it never worked out, and it just wasn't christmas without that fun field trip to temple square!

michelle said...

It's been far too long since we went to Temple Square to see the lights and the nativity. It's always so cold!! But so beautiful. I think it was a great idea to go before it got dark.

And it's so funny that Trent wanted his "pet" to be blogged.