Friday, July 9, 2010

an update: missionary jack style

Missionary Jack writes every Wednesday.
His emails are a highlight for the whole family.
I anxiously get up every Wednesday morning & start clicking on my email inbox- over & over & over throughout the day- until Brett calls & says- Jack emailed!
(I never click at just the right time.. but I won't quit trying!)
You may not know-
but last month there was severe flooding in the State of Alagoa, Brazil. They received a months worth of rain in two days!
Very scary & very quick rising water. Many people lost their homes & even more sadly those homes were in the poorest areas. Last week our R.S. President called to say (her daughter is married to jack's mission president's son) that President Beynon had emailed an article with photos about some service the missionaries were doing.
We quickly got on the computer & she forwarded the article to us.
Pictures of the missionary working- helping- serving.
All the things he went to Brazil to do.
He wrote & said it is hard some days (surely this was one of those days) but that he loves it.
This team of members & missionaries are helping a community of flood victims clean out a school for temporary housing. I can't even imagine- it makes me shudder to think of it.

I asked jack if it "smelled" he said-
There was debris & garbage up to the rafters in the school so you know that flood water (mixed with you know what?) was high. This week he wrote of teaching the gospel to 3 young men who are scheduled for baptism tomorrow. Of taking an old train to a park that was really a jungle & looking for alligators (ya they found some little guys) while humming the Indiana Jones theme song. Last week- he wrote of all the people (especially in the flood areas) staring at his tallness & red hair. Of kids dropping what they are doing to run & get their parents to see the red headed new guy in town. Of kids riding their beat up old bikes through town with little monkeys on their shoulders. He mentioned that whole families (whole families?) ride on one bike to get places. He nicked name the bike- Brazil's suburban- and said he will have to get a bike when he starts a family- who needs cars? He said the food is good- no one sleeps with blankets- he hasn't been cold once since he left & doesn't even know if you can buy a blanket anywhere.
I'm so proud of my missionary
and again
so happy to be the mother of a servant of the Lord.
we love you missionary jack!


She Loves To Make said...

Great post! We sure love Jack :)

wende said...

this was such a great post! what awesome photos - who great that someone was shooting them for you! :)

love that jack. he is one awesome kid.

michelle said...

Surely this is the best kind of news for a missionary mother to receive! How fun to have pictures, too.

Janae said...

wow he sounds incredibly busy! You can't buy a blanket? So great to have the pictures and see him hard at work.

The Taylors said...

Go Jack! I love how he washed and dried his pants!

Jill said...

It's phenomenal to think of the life experiences Jack is having right now, and how they're going to be endless for these 2 years. Every day an adventure, a chance to serve and become a man.

Kristy said...

Awesome pictures of Jack!! He is looking great and it sound like he is doing awesome too!!! I see he has not lost his sense of humor!

everything pink! said...

Wow. kind of amazing to watch the news for another country where you son is but not able to be in contact with him to see he is doing.

missionaries are such blessings for towns, states and countries who need a lot of help.

i know in New Orleans the missionaries were able to do so much good.

WAy to go Missionary Mom