Wednesday, July 14, 2010

something special

Yesterday Hailey started a job teaching music-
to a darling girl who goes to her school- she has down syndrome.
(Did I ever mention that hailey wants to be a special education teacher?)
I went to pick hailey up after work & it took a little longer than expected....
on my way home Brian called to tell me something special was on the doorstep for me.
our conversation went something like this:
me worried- what do you mean something special? is this a good thing?
bri- well, you'll have to see when you get home.
me- does it contain dog poop..... is it on fire?
bri- what? why would you say that?
(let's just say, brian is frequently sarcastic)
I came home to find this!
can you believe this?
No surprise, I was moved to tears...
Later one of the boys came by to make sure I got it & to tell me it was an early birthday present since the other boy couldn't be there on the real day
--aaah-- sigh--
I gave him one big ol' hug!
Later his mom told me they really wanted to do this,
but then didn't want to/know how to- put the poster together so sister & a cousin helped.
Thus the phrase
"with as much love as the world can hold & more"
which was entirely embarrassing to two 10 year old boys- but they brought it anyway
NOw WhO DoesN't WAnt tO Be A ScouT LEadER?
Gosh I love these boys!
As I got into bed last night, I mentally went over my day.
I remembered how earlier in the afternoon I had gotten a sad phone call. I was feeling anxious. I had immediately sad a prayer for the person who had called & for myself- to help me. Not long after Megan called- it was so good to visit with her- definitely an answer to prayer. Then- laying there in bed, it hit me- like a ton of bricks- my Father in Heaven loves me and he knows me & he knows my love language. This gift from these boys was another answer to prayer. It dawned on me that they were probably working on it as I said that prayer. All my worries had melted away when I saw this poster. I know they were inspired this day & I thank their mothers, because surely they were a part of that inspiration.
After I said my prayers- I debated writing about this experience all night.
For some reason I feel compelled to, it is intensely private for me.
I hope if you feel a little prompting to do something for someone today
that you will.
You- never know?
you could be an angel.
Surely, something special came for me yesterday!


Jill said...

That is so awesome that these sweet boys did this for you and that it was such an answer to your prayer! I wish everyone would act on their promptings to do something nice for someone else, I think we all need those boosts and reminders that Heavenly Father loves us.

She Loves To Make said...

What a sweet poster. You must be a GREAT scout leader :)
I love hearing about answered prayers. I'm glad you posted this.

Janae said...

This is a beautiful post Patsy:)
It is important to act on the promptings we are given. Thank you for that reminder today. I love that cute poster! What cute boys to be so thoughtful, and yay for sisters who can help those thoughts come to life;)

Holly said...

This was such a sweet post--thanks for the reminder to follow our promptings--or gentle whispers from the Holy Spirit. I tend to put them off and/or ignore them.

Those boys did a great job. How thoughtful of them to want to make something nice to for you to show their appreciation and that they actually did it!

Beth said...

What a tender post, thanks so much for sharing it!

I love the promptings of the Holy Spirit, what a wonderful reminder of why we should always listen and act upon them!!

I can't believe the poster was still intact when you got home... at my house, it would have been but a memory by the time I got to it.

John and Misty said...

Yeah for cute scouts and yeah for you! Thanks for sharing this post. You are oh so right. I need to slow down and listen more...

michelle said...

Beautiful. Such a great reminder to listen for those promptings and to follow through! Don't we all want to be an answer to someone's prayer?

I'm so glad you were given this gift and uplifted. But, Patsy, I still don't want to be a Scout leader...