Sunday, July 11, 2010

an update: hailey style

two weeks ago-
Brett got on the phone as a worried father.
the next day
we got a phone call from the neurology department at Primary Children's hospital
she was in!

We met with a doctor - then scheduled another EEG.

Totally sleep deprived- we arrived at the hospital the next day.
she was up most of the night the night before messin' around with Tiffany - thankfully Tiffany's mom let her spend the night so I didn't have to stay up with her- then go to bed at 12:00 AM- just to get up at 4:00 AM- and keep her awake! No offense hailey, but I'm a grandma now and I need my zzzz's.

Have you ever seen a cuter tired girl getting hooked up to an EEG?Of course not! She did great & had two seizures just as we had hoped. Not that you ever want your daughter to have seizures.. but during a test- ya. Let's figure out what's going on here.

The results are back- we haven't talked to the neurologist yet, just the nurse. Just as expected she has conversion disorder. Nothing more. This is good news- just not fun. She is not having epileptic seizures- but seizures that are brought on by something else. In this case, anxiety. Anxiety runs on both sides of the family.
poor gal- she is so positive & lovely & frankly I don't think her anxiety is any worse than most girls her age- it just comes out is such a dramatic way.
She is seeing a new therapist & still on anxiety meds & learning how to work through that anxiety. Some of us dust our anxiety under the rug... then everyone around us suffers. Hailey is learning young how to live with & cope with anxiety. In the long run- she will be the lucky one.
I asked her permission before writing this.
Thank you for your prayers & love.
It is very much appreciated.
On a positive note-
Hailey played the most beautiful arrangement of Come Thou Font of Every Blessing today in sacrament meeting. It was breath taking.
I love this girl.


Kristy said...

Love the pictures Hailey!! Hailey has such an amazing attitude with all that she has been through.

I am glad you are finally getting some answer. Hang in there things will get better!

Janae said...

Hailey is such a great sport about all of this she is going through! I am glad the answers are finally coming. Prayers and hugs:)

PaD said...

I'm thankful they found out what's causing them. Tell her grandma said to eat lot's of green smoothies. They have helped my anxiety.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I'm so glad you're finding some answers. Thinking of both of you.

Jill said...

What a relief to be getting some answers, and it's such a blessing that Hailey seems to have a good attitude and sense of humor about this. If she didn't I'm sure it would produce more anxiety!

She Loves To Make said...

Love the pictures. She really does look great--even with the tape and everything!
Maybe you could whip up some green smoothies for everyone while I'm visiting? :)

The Taylors said...

Hailey is the best girls ever. I love her and she is brave!

michelle said...

Wonderful photos! She is such a darling girl, and I am so glad you are getting some answers. You're right, no one escapes anxiety (especially as a teen!), and it is pretty great to learn how to cope with it at such a young age.

Karolynn said...

I love Hailey too! Give her a huge hug from me. I will be keeping her in my prayers!

Karolynn said...

I love Hailey too! Give her a huge hug from me. I will be keeping her in my prayers!

Karolynn said...

I love Hailey too! Give her a huge hug from me. I will be keeping her in my prayers!

wende said...

hailey is my hero.
i love that girl.
and you too.

Beth said...

Love and hugs all around... so good to hear you are getting some answers and can work from there. Never an easy road, but at least you know something now.

Good luck with the green smoothies... I giggle, but grandma's remedies work wonders, she had never failed me yet!