Tuesday, December 1, 2009

is it already december?

1. brian is home and
2. having a really difficult time transitioning to non missionary...
3. it's tough- he's crazy bored - his friends are gone or busy
3. so he has me-
4. poor kid.
5. he has decided to definitely move out in January for school and hopefully a job
6. just as jack moves home.
7. Last week we found out that Hailey made the H.S. Musical!!!!
8. cats
9. I'm not joking
10. A promise of no spandex has been made.
11. I am so excited for her!!!!
12. I feel like it's time for spring cleaning
13. which is not good when it's time to get out a load of Christmas decorations aka: mostly junk
14. I scrubbed every inch of the downstairs bathroom yesterday
15. and the kids upstairs bathroom today
16. along with working on some Christmas gifts that
17. will never be finished.... but are going to be so pretty.
18. I've decided I am a crappy house keeper-
19. I hate that about myself.
20. is there a balance? without paying for help? how do you do it? I just can't seem to keep up.
21. I feel like I was being selfish wishing brian home
22. He is miserable-
23. I feel bad for him...
24. I wish megan was here
25. I don't know what to do for him
26. I do know that I've been sleeping like a baby
27. and could have sleep for days last week.
28. completely- emotionally- spent
29. relief-
30. didn't last long
31. I'm tired. maybe I shouldn't have written this post tonight?


Kristy said...

Great post!!! I am in trouble come August when my maid (who gets pd) moves out!!! It will be bad and I will have to clean more often....I still clean but not as much.

Brian will figure things out and it will be just fine. Just hang in there and don't go crazy!!!!

Love ya :)

Jill said...

Poor Brian, it must be so hard to go from full-time church service to boredom at home. There should be some sort of missionary detox program to help them ease back into normal life.

Hooray for Hailey!

I think the secret to being a good housekeeper is to do a little every day so that things never get too gross. Also, teaching the kids to help makes things less messy and less overwhelming.

She Loves To Make said...

I feel bad for Brian. He needs to be around people so I think it's great that he wants to move out. Hopefully he'll find some good friends and keep busy.
I'm so excited for hailey! If they aren't using spandex what kind of costumes will they be using?

Gail said...

Fortunately Brian does not have to wait too long before he can get into school again.

Hang in there. Change is hard. I am just now coming out of a change induced 6-month funk. and there is light on the other side.

wende said...

hang in there.

hailey - we CAN'T WAIT to see you in the play! it's going to be so fun!

i wish i had housekeeping advice for you. it's in my top three things that i dislike about myself. i wish i could have some kind of cleaning schedule but no two weeks are ever the same to make one. when you learn this organization system, let me know!

Beth said...

I have heard some Rm's go through this, they should have some kind of re-entry program... I am sure he will be fine, it sounds like it will just take time. He really sounds wonderful on the phone!! Maybe you could suggest he immerse himself in deep spring cleaning, I hear that helps tons! Hang in there :)

Seriously, it is not my thing either... something that works around here is to invite all of the laurels over and the teenagers bathroom is miraculously sparkling!!

Yeah Hailey!! So excited for her!!

michelle said...

It must be so hard to go from full-time service to the Lord and all that discipline and work back to normal life. But they figure it out somehow! I think it's good for him to have a plan.

Cats?? Wow, that school is ambitious! Way to go, Hailey!

I'm a terrible housekeeper. I hate cleaning, but I hate being a terrible housekeeper as well. Sorry, no advice here.

Karrie said...

So happy for Hailey and sad for Brian and you...sorry about all the adjustment stuff...once he's out you'll get Jack back and have to go through all the adjustment stuff with him....not fair for Mom's