Wednesday, December 16, 2009

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!- updated

the post office called this morning at 5:45...
why you ask?

It's in my hot little hand right now!

but jack is at school, has two finals today Plus...
brett is in Houston.
His flight gets in at 11:30 PM.

Jack won't open it without his dad-
so we will have a 12:00 AM opening.

I will post the place soon........................
** Yes in my town the post office calls missionaries in the morning when their call comes in! Nice- I know- Brian opened his call at 6:30 am as soon as all of his friends showed up at the house. Jack is bringing home all of his roomates & some friends, Brian will pick up brett at the airport - then we will open it. I'm thinking I may need to make frozen pizzas or something? It's going to be a late night for sure, but really fun!


michelle said...

So exciting!!

Man, that was fast!

Unknown said...

a) i LOVE that the post office called you;
b) i can't believe you all have the patience to wait until midnight to open it;
c) i also LOVE that you have the patience to wait until midnight to open it...

Jill said...

What in the world, why would the post office call you? Do you have a friend that works there?

How exciting!

Karrie said...

I'm so happy Jack got his call,but with the title of the post I was hoping to see a picture of the kidney stone ....can't wait to hear.

shannon said...

I'm wondering the same thing as Jill...why would they call guys must really be connected!

Can't wait to hear where he goes...
If it's Philadelphia, I will personally make sure he is well fed and has lots of people to teach...

Due to my computer woes, I completely missed out on the homecoming of your other missionary! Glad he's home safe and sound...

shannon said...

P.S.--I forgot to mention how much I loved the title of your last post...Romancing the clever!

She Loves To Make said...

So excited! Yes have frozen pizzas--it's gonna be a party! I'm just so excited for jack.

Beth said...

Really exciting! Midnight pizza sounds fun!

Marie said...

How exciting! Cant wait to hear.