Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm seriously having a bad day....
so bad that-
I walked around Target for an hour hoping to snap out of it-
then came home to the dogs rooting through the kitchen garbage.

so bad that-
after that I ate 3 ding dongs.
WhY did I have ding dongs in the house? They were for the missionary of course- his favorite. Trying to be a nice mom gets me into so much trouble.

so bad that-
I begged the other scout leaders to take my boys today with them caroling because I just knew I couldn't handle it today. They of course came caroling to my house... I gave them all a ding dong.

so bad that-
I have the dreaded company Christmas dinner tonight .... holy hell I hate this stupid annual dinner. Which translates into hours of stewing over what to wear & misery. Two years ago was a disaster- last year, worse- this year...
let's just hope brett has a job on Monday.

It's just one of those days


Beth said...

Oh the dreaded annual Christmas party... I feel your pain. No wonder why your a mess today.

Tomorrow it will all be over!

Linda said...

If Target can't snap you out of it, nothing can!

I hope you have a great time tonight, hey, you never know!
I know all about the whole "what to wear" dilemna. We have a fancy funtion to go to in January and I'm already stressing. I always stress but it always ends up being ok and I have a good time. Hopefully that will be the case tonight. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Kim Sue said...

oh, give them something to talk about...they gotta talk about somebody!

Karolynn said...

I hope you have a better day today and that the party went well!

Kristy said...

I hope today is a better day and hopefully your party was fun last night and you won something lots of fun!!! :)

michelle said...

HA! I love this post.

Karrie said...

Oh man I hate cramps...never good I'm glad the party was better this year.

Holly said...

I'd gladly eat a ding-dong, or three with you!

Even when you are crabby you manage to make me smile.